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is this the best way? (repeat code random number of times)
Hey guys, can anyone help me out here.

i would like to use this code in conjunction with uniform function trouble is, is dont know how to use it as im very new, i have looked at the threads on random/random numbers and uniform function, but still do not understand how to link, so that i can pick a random number between 1 and 49 and then output/use that number in a Rep statement so that it repeats a random number of times. Kudos to Ken Gray for giving me the starting code below. Any help greatly aprreciated,

Any Help Greatly appreciated
Kind Regards
Paul, confused newbie lol

_i=Uniform(1 49)
rep _i
Regarding that code, downlaod this file at the bottom of the page, and import it into Quick Macros. After doing so then try this code:

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_i=Uniform(1 49)
rep _i
,your code here

I hope this is what your wanting.

Attached Files
.qml   Uniform Function.qml (Size: 1.2 KB / Downloads: 341)
Taking on Quick Macros one day at a time
thats some nice work you did.
i think you should put an example macro to your qml.

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int repeats count
repeats=Uniform(1 49)
out "Random repeats = %i" repeats
rep repeats
,out count
Many thanks guys! greatly appreciated!

Here we go, Uniform Function with _pi's example:

Attached Files
.qml   Uniform Function.qml (Size: 1.35 KB / Downloads: 687)
Taking on Quick Macros one day at a time

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