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Not a keylogger , or maybe , to detect bad random keypresses
Sometimes my text cursor jumps around , or a combination of ctrl and alt keys are pressed, including pageup and page down keys.
Which happens couple times a day, i first suspected that it was a faulty macro software . I got rid of other macro software except QM.
And whenever this chaotic behavior happens , i check QM <recent> macros and there is nothing.
Except normal macros that ran minutes ago.

I still havent detected what causes this , computer is clean of virus etc but heavy with development software. Maybe its a faulty keyboard.
Im asking for suggestions here , is there a way for me to detect what program sent some certain keypress events ?
Or log them all and filter them .
"for example, alt and shift are included in this chaotic random happenings most of the time but i cant set a trigger for shift key etc in QM"

Or im open to other non virus software suggestions , thanks for helping in advance.

I basically want to detect what causes this random keypresses , just when they happen . So trigger of some kind or a keylogger something is needed.
Need a low-level keyboard hook. Use function SetWindowsHookEx. Possibly some examples are in this forum.
what OS are you using? Is it a desktop or laptop?
If it is a laptop try this program.
Im using laptop " MSI GT780DXR"

However , i may have found the source of problem . It might* be QM.

One of my macros/function does not release te alt key , after it does its thing.
Or maybe all of my alt+x etc macros , together with other shift+ , ctrl+ macros have this bug.

It may be a bug , or something else, im not sure.

But i can repeat it now
It especially happens with this macro.
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spe -1
str+ myglob
myglob = "";

str stored.getsel()

str abc
abc.from(stored myglob)
OnScreenDisplay "added" -1 0 -1 "Comic Sans MS" 0 0xff0000 8

myglob = abc;

This macro is bound to a keyboard trigger which is alt+s

I have added the macro as file attachment as well.

Now this macro , does not release alt key after i use it .
QM version is
Also it was happenning in older most recent version of QM aswell.

Now there are still other random keypresses aswell, rare but there, and these are without any modifier keys, something like pageup and page down were seen.
But they all may be related to , if any, bug in QM . Worth checking out whats wrong with that macro.

And further i have found that this code has something to do with it.
str stored.getsel()
If nothing is selected, then probably macro fails and does not release the alt key.

Attached Files
.qml   add_to_myglob.qml (Size: 329 bytes / Downloads: 796)
Kevin Wrote:what OS are you using? Is it a desktop or laptop?
If it is a laptop try this program.

My laptop has a dedicated hardware key to disable touchpad, its disabled all the time, so thats not the issue.
Found a small bug - for several seconds after this macro QM thinks that Alt is pressed, although it isn't.
Fixed in QM
QM 2.3.5
Thank you Gintaras , you have great support for your software Wink Hovewer , i have tried the latest download and problem still exists.
Im currently using macros as "triggers when released" , this way they dont freak out.
I think this will do until version is stabilized , still i appreciate your attention on this Smile
I have detected that nearly all of my alt+ triggered macros do not release the alt key for several seconds. So its not just one particular macro. I have included sending alt keypress in my macros as a workaround :S
However this doesnt always happen , but im using QM macros very frequently and couple times in a hour, alt key isnt released and regular pressed like s / f , translate into alt+s , alt+f and my output freaks out :/
The bug was very smart. After more testing I see that it is still not fixed. Will fix in next QM, probably today or tomorrow. Thank you.
Fixed in QM
QM 2.3.5
Downloaded and using now , thank you Smile
Ill give it a spin
I have tried this version and that obvious bug seems to be gone. However, after many hours of testing ,
i now highly suspect that this occasional [alt gets clicked and stays pressed even while im just typing] issue is related to QM.
Somewhere some combination of macros/triggers or hooks etc , make set alt kay state as down and it stays that way .
And nothing is listed in recent folder.
I currently dont have any way to log or detect this.

I would appreciate any help regarding this issue, just curious , if this is related to QM , it will be another bug fixed for everybody else Smile
Need a way to detect , what causes QM to set alt key state as down by itself , whenever alt key state is down , without the source being a trigger action. "sounds confusing" :S
To log keys:
Function test_keyboard_hook
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function nCode wParam KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT&h

,if(getopt(nthreads)>1) ret
,File-- f.Open("$desktop$\test_keyboard_hook.txt" "w")
,int keyhook=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL &test_keyboard_hook _hinst 0)
,mes "Now this macro is recording keys to $desktop$\test_keyboard_hook.txt, until you close this message box."
,run "$desktop$\test_keyboard_hook.txt"

;---- this code runs on each key down and up event -----

str s sk st
FormatKeyString h.vkCode 0 &sk
s.format("%s. %s %s%s" st sk iif(h.flags&LLKHF_UP "up" "down") iif(h.flags&LLKHF_INJECTED ", injected" ""))

ret CallNextHookEx(0 nCode wParam &h)

;main_function  test_keyboard_hook
;exe_file  $desktop$\test_keyboard_hook.exe
;icon  <default>
;manifest  $qm$\default.exe.manifest
;flags  6
;guid  {BC94C259-A195-47DB-B7B2-F7C6E8246C2B}
It should run as program, not in QM, and it should run before QM. Create exe, exit QM, run exe, run QM. When something bad happens, close the message box and see what are last keys.
Greetings again , i have been using the given keypress recorder macro to capture this error but i couldnt find anything to report. Until now.
The problem has advanced , and it disappears when i shut down QM .

The problem : Its very simple ,
i have a macro which sends '//' when i press alt+c .
But now my machine receives ctrl+v when i press alt+c . no '//' is sent'

After restarting QM and recording it with the given recorder tool , this is what i get.

09:15:39. Left Alt down
09:15:39. C down
09:15:39. Left Ctrl down, injected
09:15:39. Left Ctrl up, injected
09:15:39. Left Ctrl up, injected
09:15:39. Left Alt up, injected
09:15:39. Right Alt up, injected
09:15:39. Left Ctrl down, injected
09:15:39. V down, injected
09:15:39. V up, injected
09:15:39. Left Ctrl up, injected
09:15:39. C up
09:15:39. Left Alt up

Repeating the error capture proccess , this time machine receives '//' correctly and this is what i get as log.

09:24:58. Left Alt down
09:24:59. C down
09:24:59. Left Ctrl down, injected
09:24:59. Left Ctrl up, injected
09:24:59. Left Ctrl up, injected
09:24:59. Left Alt up, injected
09:24:59. Right Alt up, injected
09:24:59. Left Ctrl down, injected
09:24:59. V down, injected
09:24:59. V up, injected
09:24:59. Left Ctrl up, injected
09:24:59. Left Alt up
09:24:59. C up

I continued to repeat the error capturing proccess and after a while problem disappeared and keys started to register correctly as well as macro and log turned out to be clean as well, like below.

09:27:49. Left Alt down
09:27:49. C down
09:27:49. Left Alt up
09:27:49. C up
09:27:59. Left Alt down
09:27:59. C down
09:27:59. Left Alt up
09:27:59. C up
09:28:05. Left Alt down
09:28:06. C down
09:28:06. Left Alt up
09:28:06. C up

So does this tell me that the problem is related to QM , or a bug in QM ?
The QM version i have been using during this test was
I had no other macro program running in system .
windows 7 64bit english ,
machine is : msi gt780dxr

If this problem can be spotted and fixed , i will be grateful because i get like 15 keyboard freakouts every day. I will assist in any way i can to find the bug.
Thank you in advance.
The first 2 logs are correct. QM sends Alt up if 'When released' not checked. Also sends Ctrl to avoid menu mode. Then macro sends Ctrl+V to paste text.
It's difficult to find where the problem is. I cannot reproduce it.
For small text it's better to use keyboard. Then this problem also will disappear.

key "//"
erdemyy Wrote:Sometimes my text cursor jumps around , or a combination of ctrl and alt keys are pressed, including pageup and page down keys.
Which happens couple times a day, i first suspected that it was a faulty macro software . I got rid of other macro software except QM.
And whenever this chaotic behavior happens , i check QM <recent> macros and there is nothing.
Except normal macros that ran minutes ago.

I still havent detected what causes this , computer is clean of virus etc but heavy with development software. Maybe its a faulty keyboard.
Im asking for suggestions here , is there a way for me to detect what program sent some certain keypress events ?
Or log them all and filter them .
"for example, alt and shift are included in this chaotic random happenings most of the time but i cant set a trigger for shift key etc in QM"

Or im open to other non virus software suggestions , thanks for helping in advance.

I basically want to detect what causes this random keypresses , just when they happen . So trigger of some kind or a keylogger something is needed.
it depend on keylogger itself, some keylogger that actually consider as spyware will collect whatever you type and also take snapshot of your system , which mean if you use virtual keyboard they snapshot it and by viewing snapshot hacker could see your password or sometimes they act as when you enter anything in form they will capture it after you type that no matter how you type they will capture what ever been typed.

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