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How to define a single hotkey in a dialog box
I define a hotkey for the dialog, but it requires at least two keys, for example ctrl+F1, I want to use one hotkey(F1), I did not find the example in the help, I hope someone can remind me, thanks in advanceSmile

Macro Macro5
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str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 223 135 "Dialog"
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 120 116 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 170 116 48 14 "Cancel"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030506 "*" "" "" ""

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
__RegisterHotKey- t_hk1
sel message
,t_hk1.Register(hDlg 1 MOD_CONTROL VK_F1) ;;Ctrl+F1
,sel wParam
,,case 1 mes "Ctrl+F1"
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
ret 1
gave you the answer to this in another post
hi kevin ,Thanks so much, I forgot to check previous posts  Tongue
hi @kevin

Using the above code, I found a problem. In some places when I press Enter and confirm the operation, when I press the Enter key, it doesn't work. Do you know what the reason is? Can't use Enter key, not very convenient  Huh
please show your code
Macro Macro1
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str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 548 318 "Dialog"
;3 ActiveX 0x54030000 0x0 0 0 548 320 "SHDocVw.WebBrowser {8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3"
str ax3SHD="$desktop$\Quiz\quiz.html"

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_CLOSE
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,ret 0
,ret 0
ret 1

Please extract the file to your desktop  Smile

The password is: 123

After entering the password, press the Enter key, I should be able to confirm, but in the above code, the carriage return does not work

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.zip (Size: 440.45 KB / Downloads: 275)
change IDOK to this
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,case IDOK
,,key Y           ;; Enter
,,ret 0

Your programming skills are great, perfect solution, thank you very much Tongue

How to activate the flash control?

Above code, I need to click swf, then I can enter the password, otherwise it is not possible to enter the password, I tried (act) can not take effect  Huh
its not so simple. Need to figure out a way to know  when file is loaded. Then can maybe send mouse message. Sorry cant help  more  im not at my pc. Will try later
OK, I'm trying to try other reliable methods
try this its working for me

Function Dialog_Quiz
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str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 548 318 "Dialog"
;3 ActiveX 0x54030000 0x0 0 0 548 320 "SHDocVw.WebBrowser {8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3"
str ax3SHD

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int- t_mainDlg

sel message
,SHDocVw.WebBrowser we3
,we3._getcontrol(id(3 hDlg))
,str s.expandpath("$Desktop$\quiz.html")
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_CLOSE
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,ifk(Y)          ;; Enter
,,key Y           ;; Enter
,,ret 0
,ifk(Z)          ;; Esc
,,key Z
,,ret 0
ret 1

#sub we3_DocumentComplete
function IDispatch'pDisp `&URL ;;SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2'we3
int- t_mainDlg
Htm e=htm("EMBED" "sf" "" t_mainDlg "0" 0 0x221)
An error occurred Huh

Attached Files Image(s)
restart qm and try again
Still no object found
try this
Htm e=htm("EMBED" "sf" "" t_mainDlg "0" 0 0x201)
if doesnt work you will need to create your own htm statement.
floating toolbar
After changing to 201

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pointing to which variable?
try restart qm again
int w=wait(3 WV win("Dialog" "#32770"))
Htm e1=htm("CENTER" "" "[]<CENTER><BR>[]<SCRIPT language=javascript>[]<!--[]function writeSwf(movie, width, height) {[]  document.write('<object classid=''clsidBig Grin27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000'' codebase='',0,19,0'' width=''' + width + [39]'' height=''" w "0" 0 0x20 3)

This will not succeed Huh
int w=win("Dialog" "#32770")
Htm e=htm("EMBED" "sf" "" w "0" 0 0x220)
maybe keep changing options make sure Wait max,s is 0
3 seconds isnt long enough
Now, it seems that activating swf , only with the mouse click  Big Grin
try this 1

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Htm e=htm("EMBED" "" "" t_mainDlg "0")

more simplified should work hopefully
Error (RT) in <open ":1: /977">Macro2:we3_DocumentComplete:  this variable not initialized.    <help #IDP_ERR>?

Macro Macro1
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str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 548 318 "Dialog"
;3 ActiveX 0x54030000 0x0 0 0 548 320 "SHDocVw.WebBrowser {8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3"
str ax3SHD

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int- t_mainDlg

sel message
,SHDocVw.WebBrowser we3
,we3._getcontrol(id(3 hDlg))
,we3.Navigate(" Thoughts/index.html")

,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_CLOSE
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,ifk(Y)          ;; Enter
,,key Y           ;; Enter
,,ret 0
,ifk(Z)          ;; Esc
,,key Z
,,ret 0
ret 1

How to hide the right scroll bar? I did not find the style options

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Oh i see your loading different  file. No wonder it doesn't work. The flash or html page which ever it is bigger than the dialog control that's why the scroll bar.
on my pc there is no scroll bar .It auto sizes to fit dialog control on my pc. must be a win7 issue or browser control is running in compatibility mode again.

this also works for me loading the quiz.swf file directly
Function Dialog_Quiz
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str dd=
;0 "" 0x90CB0AC8 0x0 0 0 548 318 "Dialog"
;3 ActiveX 0x54030000 0x0 0 0 548 320 "SHDocVw.WebBrowser {8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040700 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3"
str ax3SHD
if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int- t_mainDlg
sel message
,DT_SetAutoSizeControls(hDlg "3s")
,SHDocVw.WebBrowser we3
,we3._getcontrol(id(3 hDlg))
,str s.expandpath("$Desktop$\quiz.swf")
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_CLOSE
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,ifk(Y)          ;; Enter
,,key Y           ;; Enter
,,ret 0
,ifk(Z)          ;; Esc
,,key Z
,,ret 0
ret 1

#sub we3_DocumentComplete
function IDispatch'pDisp `&URL ;;SHDocVw.IWebBrowser2'we3
int- t_mainDlg
int w=win("Dialog" "#32770")
;just outputting 2 variables for testing they are both dialog window handle and should be the same
out w
out t_mainDlg
;either of the above two vars should work as they are the same
Htm e=htm("EMBED" "" "" w "0")
In fact, they are all loading the same file: quiz.swf

Because it(swf) is included in quiz.html

If it is set to   ( str s.expandpath("$Desktop$\quiz.swf"))  be successful,

If it is set to  ( str s.expandpath("$Desktop$\quiz.html"))  be fail

But in many cases the swf file  included in the html file. How do I set it? In addition, the scroll bar on the right cannot be hidden.

I tried many ways to fail Undecided
Check your  browser control to see what version  it's running. Navigate to Google search for browser version test or browser usee agent test
Browser Control is IE8.0

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Might  be why i get different results try running  the browser  contro version  function  then test again
I don't quite understand why these two variables are the same

Macro Macro1
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int- t_mainDlg
int w=win("Dialog" "#32770")
;just outputting 2 variables for testing they are both dialog window handle and should be the same
out w
out t_mainDlg
;either of the above two vars should work as they are the same

I did not find t_mainDlg in the QM help. In addition, I found that many times you will need the prefix (t_) variable. Where are these variables found?

In a few days, I will try again after upgrading the operating system to windows 10. Thank you very much for your help. Heart
A variable  can have any name i only put them there  to check that both were  getting the same  window handle . The name can be anything,  could  be int dialoghandle, int window handle  etc  etc ect  qm uses w w1 w2 w3 ect for window  handles  and hDlg for dialogs.  qm does have some predefined  variables but other than that can make it any name u wish. The general rule is to make the variable name clear as to what it does so later you can easily identify what it does
Macro swf
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int- t_mainDlg
Htm e=htm("EMBED" "" "" t_mainDlg "0")
I do not understand why the variables here are the main window (Replace w with t_mainDlg), the following code, I understand,

I don't understand too much about functions and parameters

Macro swf
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int w=win("Dialog" "#32770")
Htm e=htm("EMBED" "" "" w "0")

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