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Question for itsjustmatt
Hi itsjustmatt i use your little mousecolor macro its a cool little thing but i was just wondering if its possible to add an, out command in it so when u left click mouse it puts the color in the output window then keep going i have tried to add the out and it works but it puts a whole lot of the color if i hold the left button down to long i need it to just click once even if i hold button to long..and still continue running ..i hope i have explained it so u can understand what i need seems like i been typing for u can help if not thats ok i still like the lil code Smile
Try this. Once you start the macro it waits for you to press enter to allow you set up your windows. After pressing enter, anytime you press the left mouse button it copies the color to the clipboard and to "out". I wouldn't leave it running all the time though, it uses quite a bit of the CPU resources (~10% on mine).
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str MouCol
int mx my omx omy sy sx ocol

wait 0 KF Y

,if(mx+100 > sx)
,if(my+30 > sy)
,if((xm=sx-1 && ym=sy-1 ))

,MouCol.format("0x%X" pixel(xm ym))

,ocol=pixel(omx omy)
,OnScreenDisplay(MouCol 0.07 (omx) omy "" 8 ocol )
,OnScreenDisplay(MouCol 0.07 (omx+1) omy+1 "" 8 0x000001)
,ifk( (1))
,,out MouCol
Matt B
Thanks for that it works great .....

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