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Middle click to move to secondary editor
yes, i'm seeing that when i put it by itself in a fresh qml. i can also get it to do that if i call the pop-up menu from the filter function and ret the iid but the pop-up menu goes away in a blink rather than staying there. but, if i don't call the pop-up in the FF and just ret the iid it performs the other mid-click of moving it to the 2ndy editor. here's my code for the FF.

have i got something in the wrong place?

Function FF_QM_Open_items
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function# iid FILTER&f

if(!f.hwnd2) ret
;if(f.hwnd=_hwndqm and GetWinId(f.hwnd2)=2212) ret iid
,if _i=2212
,,out _i
,,ret iid
,if _i=2202
,,_s.from("2202 started " _s)
,,out _s
,,int+ g_qm_menu_iid
,,GetCursorPos &; ScreenToClient f.hwnd2 &
,,SendMessage f.hwnd2 TVM_HITTEST 0 &ht
,,,TVITEM ti.hItem=ht.hItem
,,,SendMessage f.hwnd2 TVM_GETITEM 0 &ti
,,else g_qm_menu_iid=0
,,;out g_qm_menu_iid
,,;mac "Menu QM menu File-ken"
,,ret iid

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