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Query a database with multiple pieces of data
That's a pretty cool example...I'll be using that later for another program I'm working up! I still have a lot of work to do with the making a calendar to manage my students. Do you know of any good resources I could study up on how to make a calendar? I've studied the XML of google calendar and other looks pretty straight forward and I think I have the feel for it, but how do I go about getting it all to display like Google Calendar, Outlook, or Palm? I need it to perform some pretty specific tasks that I've never been able to find any calendar program that can do them....Well...that'll be another post someday.

I actually think I am pretty good with the text files right now. I think they'll be pretty easy to manage and update and I have them working just the way I want them! The question much faster would the XML be? Are there any awesome advantages I might not have considered?

I will need some help in a day or two when I start to actually build the queries for the data base. Right now I think I am at a really good start by getting the the Who, What, When, and Where out of the way. Then it's just a matter of searching through the database in the proper columns. I'm not sure how it will go when combining and sorting data. I'm sure I'll hit some sort of problem...

Any advice or examples that can be added would be much appreciated...anything that can show off little tricks and methods I might not know due to my lack of experience.

Thanks again...
Jimmy Vig

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