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Buttons as images
Is there a possibility to check if the mouse is in a specific region
and do a action/start a macro if it clicks there?

I thaugt about a variable named rect.a or something similiar, where the coordinates of the button are saved.
Another variable should change if the button was clicked.

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int Rect.a
int Rect.b
int Action

if (Rect.a & ifk((1)))
    Action = 1
if (Rect.b & ifk((1)))
    Action = 2
I tried to arrange that for hours, but it seems that i did it completeley wrong so i want to start from zero again.
I searched in the forum too, but ive found nothing similiar.

Maybe someone can teach me a bit in complex if statements.
From other Programming Languages i know this way:

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if (Fu != 0 & Bar == 1 | Fubar >= 20) {
       Blop = 10,
       Fubar -=10
## if Fu is not 0 and Bar is 10 or fubar greater or same as 20,
## Blop is ten and Fubar is value - 10

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