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Can't find popup when running; ok in debugger
My 2nd day using this tool, and it is pretty awesome!

I'm using QM to enter data in an application running on a remote server, so I'm using Remote Desktop Connection to access the application. Connection and startup of app is done manually outside of macro.

In the macro I'm trying to use a Find dialog, and make a decision on whether or not a "not found" popup appears. Here is the fragment of interest:

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key Af  ;; hit the Find Next button
wait 2
int wPop = win("PortfolioCenter" "" "" 0x008) ;; 8: must be popup
str m
m.format("Popup id %i" wPop)
out m
if wPop != 0
    out "did not find ticker"
    ;; print message and end macro
;; continue with doing work

This works fine if I step through in the debugger. However, if I just Run it, the win command returns 0, even though the popup is present.

Is there some flag that I need to enable to see the popup when running without debugger? Or is there a more reliable way to look for the popup window?

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