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qm_grid and ICsv
Sorry to kick this topic up but how:
  • Whole row: How can I make the whole row red when an cell in that row has been edited
  • Specific cell: How can I make a specific cell "red" when a cell has been edited, I want to target a specific cell by using it's cell indicator # , # (example: 0,2)

    To solve the above 2 questions I think I must add something here (directly after the "red" part):

    Function dialog_grid_cell_color
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    ,,out "%i %i" p.x p.y        
    ,,cd2.clrText=0xff ;;red
    ,,SelectObject cd.hdc fBold

  • Replace content: How do I replace contents of the first cell with the character "*" when a cell has been edited
    [computername 1][ip-adress 1] => when the cell "ip-adress 1" has been edited, "computername 1" will be replaced with "*"
    [computername 2][ip-adress 2]
    [computername 3][ip-adress 3]

To set the cell content to "*" I use this (but I do not declare "DlgGrid g.Init(hDlg 3)" at the top of my code, I do not know if this is correct):

Function dialog_grid_cell_color
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,for(i 0 t_ed.len) if(!memcmp(&t_ed[i] &p 8)) break
,,out "%i %i" p.x p.y        
,,cd2.clrText=0xff ;;red
,,SelectObject cd.hdc fBold        
,,DlgGrid g.Init(hDlg 3)
,,g.CellSet(0 0 _s)

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