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I'm converting autohotkey to QM and
I saw your PixelSearch function, then the topic disappeared. It would be correct, but function pixel() is slow... This is faster version:
Function PixelSearch
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function# SX SY EX EY color [VAR] [POINT&p]

;Searches a region of the screen for a pixel of the specified color.
;Returns: 1 found, 0 not.

;SX, SY - top-left coord of the search region relative to the active window.
;EX, EY - bottom-right coord. The point is inside the search region.
;color - search for this pixel color, in 0xBBGGRR format.
;VAR - allowed color component difference, 0-255.
;p - optional POINT variable that receives found pixel coordinates in screen.

;if PixelSearch(552 21 592 51 0x2f59fd 0 p)
;,mou p.x p.y

opt noerrorshere 1
RECT r; SetRect &r SX SY EX+1 EY+1
if(!scan(F"color:{color}" win r 0 VAR)) ret
if(&p) p.x=r.left;
ret 1

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