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Button to be associated to thw system menu of an existing wi
Macro Add system menu items to any window
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;Adds two menu items to the system menu of Notepad.

int hwnd=win("" "Notepad")
int hmenu=GetSystemMenu(hwnd 0)
if(!hmenu) ret
AppendMenu hmenu MF_DISABLED 0xA001 "test"
AppendMenu hmenu MF_DISABLED 0xA002 "test2"
SetProp hwnd "symt_hmenu" hmenu

Filter-function. Runs on mouse left button up. If clicked a system menu item added with the above macro, shows its id. You can use mac to run a macro. This function must be as fast as possible.
Function FF_on_system_menu_click
Trigger #Lh1 0x1 //FF_on_system_menu_click     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function# iid FILTER&f

if(GetClassLong(f.hwnd GCW_ATOM)!=32768) ret -2 ;;is popup menu?
int hwnd=GetWindow(f.hwnd GW_OWNER)
if(!hwnd) ret -2 ;;context menu; else system or window menu
int hmenu=GetProp(hwnd "symt_hmenu"); if(!hmenu) ret -2 ;;has QM-added submenus?
if(hmenu!=SendMessage(f.hwnd MN_GETHMENU 0 0)) ret -2 ;;is system menu?
;int hmenu=GetSystemMenu(hwnd 0)
POINT p; xm p
int itemIndex=MenuItemFromPoint(hwnd hmenu p) ;;note: will not work with DPI-scaled windows
int itemId=GetMenuItemID(hmenu itemIndex)
if(!(itemId>=0xA000 and itemId<=0xAFFF)) ret -2 ;;assume we always add menu items with id in this range

str s1.getwinclass(hwnd) s2.getwintext(hwnd) s3.format("%s[]%s" s1 s2)
sel s3 3
,case "Notepad[]*"
,out "itemIndex=%i itemId=%i" itemIndex itemId

ret -1

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