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Running macro on background
(12-19-2017, 06:35 PM)tatsuoshu Wrote: Hello,

I'm trying to make a macro that works on an application (game) and can run on the background. I've found some threads with the "SendKeyToWindow" function, however I can't get it implemented. The problem is that it works perfectly if I'm in a typing environment (like the chat in the game), but it doesn't do anything outside that environment (for example moving the target).
Does anyone has any ideas?
Below is the macro and the SendKeysToWindow function:

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int w=act(win("APPLICATION_NAME" "D3D Window"))
    SendKeysToWindow2 w key(6)
    SendKeysToWindow2 w key(V)
    SendKeysToWindow2 w key(V)
    SendKeysToWindow2 w key(V)
    wait 5

key(6) refers to an action and key(V) refers to pressing space.

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function hwnd ARRAY(KEYEVENT)'a

Sends keys to a child window using WM_KEYDOWN/WM_KEYUP messages.
The window can be inactive, but with some windows then does not work.

hwnd - child window handle. Or main window handle, if it receives keys.
a - the <help>key</help> function.

int hwnd=id(15 "Notepad")
SendKeysToWindow2 hwnd key("text[]" Cs)

int i lparam m up alt ati
str sk
ifk(A) alt=1

for i 0 a.len
    KEYEVENT k=a[i]
    if(k.flags&0x80) i+1; continue ;;wait
        case [16,17,18]
        int th1=GetCurrentThreadId
        int th2=GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd &i)
        ati=AttachThreadInput(th1 th2 1)

for i 0 a.len
    if(k.flags&0x80) ;;wait
        opt waitmsg -1
        wait (a[i].wt/1000.0)
    if(k.flags&KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY) lparam|0x01000000
    if(k.flags&KEYEVENTF_KEYUP) lparam|0xC0000000; up=1; else up=0
    if(alt) m=iif(up WM_SYSKEYUP WM_SYSKEYDOWN); lparam|0x20000000
    else m=iif(up WM_KEYUP WM_KEYDOWN)
    if(k.vk=VK_RETURN) 0.01 ;;some controls, eg PSPad, would insert new line too early
    PostMessage hwnd m k.vk lparam
        case [16,17,18] ;;modifier keys
         wait while processes prev keys
        if(i) SendMessage hwnd 0 0 0
        GetKeyboardState sk
        sk[k.vk]=iif(up 0 0x80)
        SetKeyboardState sk
    if(k.vk=VK_MENU) alt=!up

if(ati) ati=AttachThreadInput(th1 th2 0)

Does anyone have an idea?

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