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how to have a certain key to stop a macro
Quote:Hey i have a couple of questions... Ok first how can I make a macro or
function have a box come up asking if I want to stop a macro when I hit
a selected key? Also how can I make a macro or function display in
quick macros when the macro started and how long the macro ran for?
I'm Sorry I found something similar to what i was asking but i was wondering how to make a macro or function paste the time it ran(seconds, minutes, hours, days) and also for how to make a macro or function be turned off by holding a key... Like i said im sorry but i couldnt find exactly what i was looking for inside of the forum.
im sorry i also forgot to say my friend made a macro that when you hold (F12) a box will pop up asking if you would like to end "Macro1"... and im not sure how he did it please help me.

At the beginning of the macro insert this:
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DATE+ g_macro_started_date

Create a function:
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DATE+ g_macro_started_date
DATE d.getclock
str s1(g_macro_started_date) s2(d)
mes- "started %s, ran %s.[][]Press Yes to end." "" "YN" s1 s2
shutdown -6 0 "replace this with real macro name"

Assign the function a trigger, eg F12. This function shows macro times and ends the macro if you press Yes.

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