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Examples for various things in QM, C++ and C# languages
Macro Examples for various things in QM, C++ and C#
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Function x y
Function(x y) ;;or this
Function(x, y); ;;or this

;C++, C#
Function(x, y);

code ;;comments

;C++, C#
code //comments
/*block of

int variable
byte variable
word variable
long variable
double variable
lpstr variable
str variable
BSTR variable
ARRAY(int) variable
int a b(5) c=6
int handle hwnd
int functionAddress=&Function

int variable; //or long variable; //also there are unsigned types - UINT (unsigned int) and DWORD (unsigned long). QM does not have unsigned int. Also can be LPARAM, LRESULT, HRESULT etc etc.
BYTE variable; //or unsigned char variable; //also there is signed type char.
WORD variable; //or unsigned short variable; //also there is signed type short.
__int64 variable;
double variable
LPSTR variable; //or char* variable
CString variable; //MFC, ATL
CComBSTR variable; //ATL
CArray <int> variable; //MFC
CSimpleArray <int> variable; //MFC
;more string and array classes are available, from various libraries
int a, b=5, c=6;
HANDLE handle; HWND hwnd; //there are many handle types, whereas in QM all are int
void Function(void); //used to specify that the function does not return a value or sometimes when it does not have parameters. There is no such thing in QM.
int (__stdcall* FunctionType)(int x, int y); FunctionType functionAddress=Function; //callback function type and address

int variable; //uint for unsigned
byte variable; //sbyte for signed
ushort variable; //short for signed, char for Unicode UTF-16 character
long variable; //ulong for unsigned
double variable;
String variable; //Unicode UTF-16 string
int[] variable; //array
int a, b=5, c=6;
void Function(); //does not return a value
delegate int DelegateType(int x, int y); static DelegateType functionAddress; //callback function type and address

int+ global_variable
int- thread_variable
int local_variable
int* pointer1 pointer2
int& reference_variable=variable
int'member_variable int*member_variable2 //in class

int global_variable; //not in function or class
static int global_variable; //anywhere
__declspec(thread) int thread_variable; //not in function
void Function()
int local_variable; //in a function
int* pointer1; int* pointer2; //or int *pointer1, *pointer2;
int& reference_variable=variable;
int member_variable; int* member_variable2; //in class

static int global_variable; //in class
[ThreadStatic] static int thread_variable; //in class
void Function()
int local_variable; //in function
int member_variable; //in class

def CO_NSTANT2 5+6

#define CO_NSTANT 5
#define CO_NSTANT2 (5+6)
const int C1=5;
enum CONSTANTS { C1=5, C2=5+6 };

const int C1=5; //in class or function
enum CONSTANTS { C1=5, C2=5+6 }; //globally or in class

out variable

printf("%i", variable); //ANSI project
printf(L"%i", variable); //Unicode project


if condition

;C++, C#

for i 0 5

;C++, C#
for(i=0; i<5; i++)

rep 5

;C++, C#
for(int i=0; i<5; i++)

,if(condition=0) break

;C++, C#

,if(condition=0) break

;C++, C#

sel i
,case 1
,case 2
,case else

;C++, C#
case 1:
case 2:

goto label

;C++, C#
goto label;

err code2

catch(...) { code2 }

catch { code2 }

i+1 ;;or can be: i+=1
a = b or c ;;or can be: a = b || c
if(a=b) code ;;or can be: if(a==b) code
x = iif(condition A B)

;C++, C#
i+=1; //or can be: i++;
a = b || c;
if(a==b) code ;;if(a=b) would assign b to a
x = condition ? A : B;

;Most operators are the same in QM, C++ and C#.

function'int x [y] ;;function name is not here
ret 1

;C++, C#
int FunctionName(int x, int y=0)
return 1;

dll "file.dll" int'Function int'x lpstr's
;don't need for most API, because it is in WINAPI reference file etc, or if it is in an explicitly declared reference file or type library

#pragma comment(lib, "file.lib") //or add in project Options dialog. Don't need if it is one of default libraries, such as kernel32 or user32.
int Function(int x, LPSTR s);
;don't need if headers included, like #include <system_header_file.h> or #include "user_header_file.h"

using System.Runtime.InteropServices; ... [DllImport("file.dll")] public static extern IntPtr Function(int x, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] String s); //in class

type Type x y double'd

struct Type { int x, y; double d; };

struct Type { public int x, y; public double d; };

class Class --m_private m_public ;;here declared just member variables, not functions

class Class
int m_private;
int m_public;
Class { code } //constructor
~Class { code } //destructor
void MemberFunction(int x, int y); //here is just declaration; definition (code) is somewhere
//here is definition (code) of function that is declared somewhere
void Class::MemberFunction(int x, int y)

class Class
int m_private;
public int m_public;
public Class { code } //constructor
~Class { code } //destructor
public void MemberFunction(int x, int y)

category X : functions ;;QM does not have namespaces. category is something similar, but very different.

namespace X
classes, functions, variables, etc

namespace X

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