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get favicons
Hi Gintaras,
I want to use the google favicon getter:<> so I can capture a website's favicon to put next to the url line using your dialog browser examples in the forum/archive.
The problem is that it returns a favicon that for some reason doesn't get set to an icon static text or icon button.
Regular size (at least 16x16) icons set without a problem but these icons are usually around 5k whereas the ones that are returned by the google service are only around 1 k. However, they do look like the appropriate icon when viewed in an editor.
Is there a size lower limit for the icons in QM?
Any suggestions? Do I need to somehow resize the icons I get back from the service.
Sorry no example but all standard dialogs button/static text setting. Thanks!!! S

I can set the static in the control string definitions or using

Function SetStaticIcon ?
function hwndControl [$iconFile] [flags] ;;flags: 1 large

;Sets/changes/deletes icon of a static icon control.

;hwndControl - control handle.
;iconFile - icon file. If "" or not used, removes icon.
;;;;To avoid memory leak, always call this function on WM_DESTROY with empty iconFile.

;Initially the control must not have icon.

int hi
if(!empty(iconFile)) hi=GetFileIcon(iconFile 0 flags)
hi=SendMessage(hwndControl STM_SETICON hi 0)
if(hi) DestroyIcon hi


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