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"Smarter" Open Items tracking
The 'Open Items' section (right topside window) is getting a real jungle every time, I was pondering about how to make it "Smarter", maybe this could help:

Always skip registering a QM item in the 'Open Item'-section if user clicked item but did not:
- select and copied text
- changed text
- maybe add the following option: if the user didn't stay focused on it for (milli seconds?)
It means the user probably just wanted to check something quickly OR did not intend to open that QM item (the user was just browsing through the items until the correct QM item was found).

Split the 'Open section' in 2 parts
Part 1 and Part 2
Part 1: Only gets filled with items that really intended to be tracked.
Part 2: Only the items that were referenced for CTRL+C actions

This follows what I described in '2', the 'Part 1' only gets filled with items that really needed to be tracked.
These items are:
  • QM Items which text's where changed
  • In the same folder as the QM item the user is working on. those names get automatically tracked in the 'Open Items' section IF the user clicks on it (regardless if the user changes code in it or if user didn't copy code...?, overrides what I stated in '1')
  • The QM item in which the user is coding contains names to functions/classes etc.. those names get automatically tracked in the 'Open Items' section IF the user clicks on it (regardless if the user changes code in it or if user didn't copy code...?, overrides what I stated in '1')

Regardless if 1 to 3 could be implemented, maybe add a sort of visual notifier that hints the user an item got tracked in the 'Open Items' section. For instance in the code editor top left side (below the blue play icon), just a simple visual cue.
The user could then enter a simple key combination to delete the last (newest) added QM item in the 'Open items' sections.

All the above is just an idea, I have no idea if they are really implementable.

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