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Windows API declarations for C#
Function SDK_find_declaration
Trigger Cd     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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;Finds a Windows API declaration in Api.cs.
;How to use:
;;;In your C# editor type a Windows API name, move the mouse over it and run this macro.
;;;Or move the mouse over a Windows API name anywhere, for example in API documentation.
;;;To run this macro you can use a hotkey trigger; default is Ctrl+D.
;;;The macro shows a dialog with the API name, its C# declaration (empty if not found) and several options.
;;;In the dialog review the declaration, maybe change options, and click OK.
;;;If you start this macro while it is already running, it replaces text in the dialog.
;;;Also you can edit text in the dialog Name field to search for a new name.
;How it works:
;;;Double-clicks to select word from mouse, and gets the word through the clipboard.
;;;Finds the declaration in Api.cs file and shows it in dialog together with options.
;;;Api.cs file full path must be specified in the dialog.
;;;The macro can copy the declaration to the clipboard or/and run a macro that for example can insert the declaration in a C# file. Example - function SDK_insert_declaration.

spe 20
int w=win(mouse)
if w!=_hwndqm or !WinTest(child(mouse) "Toolbar*") ;;prevent double clicking the Run button
,if(w!=win) act w; key LR ;;prevent VS selecting whole line when there is selected text
,str name.getsel

if getopt(nthreads)>1
,w=win("Windows API for C#" "#32770")
,if w
,,name.setwintext(id(4 w))
,,act w

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 552 166 "Windows API for C#"
;3 Static 0x54000000 0x0 8 8 28 12 "Name"
;4 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 40 8 152 12 "Nam" "Windows API name (a function, struct, enum, delegate, const, interface, COM class, Guid).[]In your C# editor type the name, move the mouse over it and run this macro."
;6 Edit 0x54231044 0x200 8 24 536 72 "Decl"
;10 Static 0x54000000 0x0 16 116 38 13 "File Api.cs"
;11 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 56 116 208 13 "Api"
;7 Button 0x54012003 0x0 288 116 76 13 "Copy to clipboard"
;14 Button 0x54012003 0x0 376 116 54 13 "Run macro"
;15 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 432 116 104 13 "Mac" "Should begin with:[]function str'name str'decl"
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 8 144 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 60 144 48 14 "Cancel"
;5 Button 0x54020007 0x0 8 100 536 37 "Options"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040308 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "4 6 11 7 14 15"
str e4Nam e6Dec e11Api c7Cop c14Run e15Mac
rget e11Api "Api.cs" "\CsharpWinAPI" 0 "$my qm$\Api.cs"
rget c7Cop "bClipboard" "\CsharpWinAPI" 0 "1"
rget c14Run "bMacro" "\CsharpWinAPI"
rget e15Mac "sMacro" "\CsharpWinAPI"

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

rset e11Api "Api.cs" "\CsharpWinAPI"
rset c7Cop "bClipboard" "\CsharpWinAPI"
rset c14Run "bMacro" "\CsharpWinAPI"
rset e15Mac "sMacro" "\CsharpWinAPI"

if(!e6Dec.len) ret

if c7Cop=1

if c14Run=1 and e15Mac.len
,mac e15Mac "" e4Nam e6Dec

err+ mes _error.description "" "x"

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,sub.Find hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|4
,sub.Find hDlg
,case EN_CHANGE<<16|11
,if(FileExists(_s)) sub.Find hDlg
ret 1

#sub Find
function hDlg

str apiFile.getwintext(id(11 hDlg))
str name.getwintext(id(4 hDlg))

if(!apiFile.len) mes "Api.cs file not specified."; ret
if(!FileExists(apiFile)) mes "Api.cs file not found."; ret

type __CSHARPWINAPICACHE IStringMap'm str'path DateTime'time long'size

DateTime t; long z
FileGetAttributes apiFile z t
if apiFile!=__g_csWinApiCache.path or t!=__g_csWinApiCache.time or z!=__g_csWinApiCache.size
,sub.ApiFileToStringMap __g_csWinApiCache.m apiFile
,if(__g_csWinApiCache.m.Count=0) mes "Found 0 declarations in Api.cs file."; ret
,__g_csWinApiCache.path=apiFile; __g_csWinApiCache.time=t; __g_csWinApiCache.size=z
,;out "loaded"

if(empty(name)) ret
str decl
__g_csWinApiCache.m.Get2(name decl)
str decl32
if(__g_csWinApiCache.m.Get2(F"{name}__32" decl32)) decl+"[][]"; decl+decl32
if(decl.len) decl+"[]"
decl.setwintext(id(6 hDlg))

err+ mes _error.description "" "x"

#sub ApiFileToStringMap
function IStringMap&m $apiFile

m._create; m.Flags=2

str s.getfile(apiFile)

ARRAY(str) a

str rxType="(?ms)^(?:\[[^\r\n]+\r\n)*public (?:struct|enum|interface|class) (\w+)[^\r\n\{]+\{(?:\}$|.+?^\})"
str rxFunc="(?m)^(?:\[[^\r\n]+\r\n)*public (?:static extern|delegate) \w+\** (\w+)\(.+;$"
str rxGuid="(?m)^public static Guid (\w+) =.+;$"
str rxConst="(?m)^public (?:const|readonly) \w+ (\w+) =.+;$"

if(!findrx(s rxType 0 4 a)) end "failed" 1
sub.AddToMap a m
if(!findrx(s rxFunc 0 4 a)) end "failed" 1
sub.AddToMap a m
if(!findrx(s rxGuid 0 4 a)) end "failed" 1
sub.AddToMap a m
if(!findrx(s rxConst 0 4 a)) end "failed" 1
sub.AddToMap a m

#sub AddToMap
function ARRAY(str)&a IStringMap'm

int i
for i 0 a.len
,m.Add(a[1 i] a[0 i])

Function SDK_insert_declaration
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function str'name str'decl

;Inserts decl in file csFile, before line //insert new declaration here
;You can specify this function name in dialog "Windows API for C#" (function SDK_fine_declaration shows it) field "Run macro".
;If the file is open in Visual Studio, it nicely updates editor text, even with Undo, if the file is saved. Tested with Visual Studio 2015.

str csFile="Q:\Test\Test.cs" ;;change this

;out name
;out decl

str s.getfile(csFile)
int i=findrx(s "[][ \t]*//insert new declaration here")
if(i<0) end "the file must have line ''//insert new declaration here''"
decl.replacerx("(?m)^" "[9]") ;;tab-indent
s.insert(decl i)
s.setfile(csFile 0 -1 0x100)

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