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Change the color font of menu label
Dear AlexZ,

Thank you for your interest regarding this thread. Your questions are dealt with as it follows:

1. ideb is a global variable initialised in init2 for debugging purposes. Usually, its value is zero.

2. NowT is a simple time output routine. It may be modified according to the user's preferences. I have included it in an updated version of SmartMenu.qml above.

3. Warning_QM is a routine which outputs audio/screen messages in the case of error. It may be modified according to the user's preferences. I have included it in an updated version of SmartMenu.qml above.

4. GVarOut and LVarOut are routines called in a sample menu routine I included for demo purposes. They have nothing to do with this thread. They have to be replaced by the end user, which writes his own menu routine.

Please do not hesitate to ask any further questions. Let me add that I am writing computer software since 1968, under almost all operating systems, mainly for data acquisition and processing. I must admit that Quick Macros is the best platform, from every point of view, to my opinion. Congratulations are due to Gintaras for this perfect product, further to those for the present thread.

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