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Expect to add support for the imacros API code
I am a web page testing beginners, the programming is not very understanding, on the Internet of more than 10 kinds of web automation tools and found two relatively the most powerful software: one is Selenium, the other is imacros, and they firefox browser There are plug-ins, are free, and are equipped with IDE editing interface!

I have been through hundreds of Web page automation testing, found that this plug-in for beginners imacros, more simple, easy to use, the most important is the success rate of the script to run a lot higher than Selenium, plug-in update frequency is high, Internet forums have a high reputation,There are millions of fans! so I sincerely recommend QM developers like Selenium, through two buttons, the imacros generated script, paste in the QM call (as shown below) I am looking forward to , And heartfelt thanks!

Download the latest version of firefox:
https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla. ... 50.1.0.exe

IMacros firefox plugin link: ... r-firefox/

IMacros API content links:

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