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How to get a list of all AutoText files in the left pane
the problem is your understanding of the code
it errors because your count is off.
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;1.code:Get a list of all AutoText files
QMITEM q; int i
ARRAY(str) atn
ARRAY(int) htvi
,i=qmitem(-i 1|16 &q 1|2|4|8)
,if(i=0) break
,if q.itype=4
int ii=ListDialog(_s); if(ii=0) ret
;2.code:Open selected Autotext
SendMessage id(2202 _hwndqm) TVM_SELECTITEM TVGN_CARET htvi[ii-1];; opens autotext file selected in list dialog

also several other mistakes

TO_Fav "TO_Text" 0 0 opens text dialog with options text and paste using clipboard already selected
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TO_Fav "TO_Text" 0 0
int w=wait(0 WA win("Text" "#32770"))
but id(6 w) ;;check box 'Multiline'

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RE: How to get a list of all AutoText files in the left pane - by Kevin - 03-26-2019, 02:12 AM

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