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add listbox for the InputBox
Success, there may be some areas for improvement

Function InputBox2
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function# str&inputText [flags] [$staticText] [$captionText] [hwndOwner] [x] [y] [int&checkVar] [$checkText] [timeoutS] [dlgProc] ;;flags: 1 on Cancel end macro, 2 use inputText as default, 4 multiline, 8 password, 16 digits, 32 button, 64 raw x y, 128 OK on timeout

;1. If the inputText variable value contains commas and flags is 2, the listbox control is displayed
;2. The first paragraph of the value of the inputText variable is displayed in the editbox, the other items are displayed in the listbox, and the & symbol is the default selection
;3. After the function is executed, two lines of text are displayed. The first line is the value of the editbox, and the second line is the value of the selected listbox
;Shows input box dialog.
;Returns: 1 OK, 0 Cancel, 2 timeout with flag 128.

;inputText - variable that receives text.
;flags - see above.
;staticText - text above the edit field. Supports <help #IDP_SYSLINK>links</help>.
;captionText - title bar text.
;hwndOwner - owner window handle. If not used, the dialog is always-on-top.
;x, y - dialog position in screen. By default, 0 is screen center, negative is from screen right or top.
;checkVar - variable that sets and receives check box value (0 or 1). If omitted or 0, does not show check box.
;checkText - check box text.
;timeoutS - max number of seconds to show the dialog if user does not type or click. On timeout the function returns 0; if flag 128, returns 2.
;dlgProc - address of optional <help #IDH_DIALOG_EDITOR#A9>dialog procedure</help> function, like with smart dialogs.
;;;Flag 32 adds button [...], id 7. Then dlgProc can do something when user clicks it. By default the button does nothing.
;;;The function also can use the edit box (id 4) and other controls.

;Uses <help>ShowDialog</help>.
;Supports <help>_monitor</help>.

;See also: <inp>.
;Added in: QM 2.3.5.

;str s
;if(!InputBox(s 0 "Text:")) ret
;out s

;InputBox(_s 1 "The macro will end on Cancel.")

;if(!InputBox(_s 2)) ret

;if(!InputBox(_s 0 "" "Input box at screen right-bottm" 0 -1 -1)) ret

;if(!InputBox(_s 0 "" "Input box with timeout" 0 0 0 0 "" 10)) ret

str c1 cn
ICsv xc._create
c1=xc.Cell(0 0)
;out c1
int nr=xc.RowCount
int nc=xc.ColumnCount
int r c
for r 0 nr
,for c 0 nc
,,if(c=0) continue
,,cn.addline(xc.Cell(r c) 1)
;out cn
int ii
if !empty(cn) and !empty(c1)

if(empty(captionText)) captionText="QM - Input"
str sStatic(staticText) sCaption(captionText) sCheck(checkText)
sStatic.escape(1); sCaption.escape(1); sCheck.escape(1)

int estDl(0x10189) stEd(iif(flags&4 0x54231044 0x54030080)) stCh(0x44012003) stBt(0x44030000)
if(hwndOwner) estDl~WS_EX_TOPMOST
if(flags&8) stEd|ES_PASSWORD
if(flags&16) stEd|ES_NUMBER
if(&checkVar) stCh|WS_VISIBLE

int wDl(223) hDl(68) wSt(212) wEd(208) hEd(14)
if(flags&4) wDl+100; hDl+150; wSt+100; wEd+100; hEd+150
if(flags&32) stBt|WS_VISIBLE; wEd-16
if(timeoutS) wSt-24

str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80ACC 0x{estDl} 0 0 {wDl} {hDl} "{sCaption}"
;4 Edit 0x{stEd} 0x200 8 26 {wEd} {hEd}
;7 Button 0x{stBt} 0 {wDl-23} 26 16 14 "..."
;5 Button 0x{stCh} 0 8 {hDl-20} 98 16 "{sCheck}"
;6 Static 0x44000002 0x0 {wDl-23} 0 20 9
;1 Button 0x54030001 0 116 {hDl-18} 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0 168 {hDl-18} 48 14 "Cancel"
;3 _SysLink 0x54030000 0x0 8 4 {wSt} 21 "{sStatic}"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030503 "" "" "" ""
str dd1=
;0 "" 0x90C80ACC 0x{estDl} 0 0 222 124 "{sCaption}"
;4 Edit 0x{stEd} 0x200 8 26 {wEd} {hEd}
;7 Button 0x{stBt} 0 {wDl-23} 26 16 14 "..."
;8 ListBox 0x54230101 0x200 8 40 208 58 ""
;5 Button 0x44012003 0x0 8 104 98 16 ""
;6 Static 0x44000002 0x0 {wDl-23} 0 20 9
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x0 116 106 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x0 168 106 48 14 "Cancel"
;3 _SysLink 0x54030000 0x0 8 4 {wSt} 21 "{sStatic}"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2030503 "" "" "" ""

str controls = "4 5"
str e4 c5
if ii=1
,controls = "4 5 8"
,str lb8
if(flags&2 and ii=1)

if(&checkVar) c5=checkVar!0
;out dd
type ___INPBOX flags timeoutS dlgProc
___INPBOX z.flags=flags; z.timeoutS=timeoutS; z.dlgProc=dlgProc

#if !EXE
__PlayQmSound 3
int R=ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls hwndOwner flags&64 0 0 &z x y)
if !R
,if(flags&1) end
if ii=1
if(&checkVar) checkVar=val(c5)
ret R

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

___INPBOX& z=+DT_GetParam(hDlg); if(!&z) ret
int R i
sel message
,if z.timeoutS>0
,,hid- id(6 hDlg)
,,SetTimer hDlg 1 1000 0
,case WM_TIMER
,sel wParam
,,case 1
,,if(z.timeoutS>0) _s=z.timeoutS; _s.setwintext(id(6 hDlg))
,,else KillTimer hDlg 1; if(z.flags&128) DT_Ok hDlg 2; else DT_Cancel hDlg
,,ret 1
,if lParam>>16!WM_MOUSEMOVE
,,if(z.timeoutS>0) KillTimer hDlg 1; z.timeoutS=0
,,case EN_CHANGE<<16|4 goto g1
,,case EN_KILLFOCUS<<16|4 if(GetFocus) goto g1
,,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|8 but id(1 hDlg)
,NMHDR* nh=+lParam
,if nh.idFrom=3
,,i=__SysLinkOnClick(hDlg nh)
,,if(i) DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)

if(z.dlgProc) ret call(z.dlgProc hDlg message wParam lParam)
ret message=WM_COMMAND

Messages In This Thread
add listbox for the InputBox - by Davider - 01-24-2023, 11:24 PM
RE: add listbox for the InputBox - by Davider - 02-01-2023, 08:05 AM

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