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Find and highlight text in other app using regular expresion
Hi Gintaras,
I have been trying to combine the two functions from the forum: RichEditHighlight and EditControlSelectReplace.

It works except for a few things:

1) It will select and apply the format bold/italic/underline to either the original text or to the replaced text but it will only apply the colors to the original text not if there is a replacement. I think it is because the bold/italic/underline apply to the spot where the highlight occurred and will transfer to the next text swapped in however for the color it has to have the exact start and stop characters. I tried to therefore make the replace first and then do the CHARRANGE step after (see version 2 but that really doesn't work!)

Function SelectReplaceHighlightFormat
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function hwndre ~findthis [$replacetext] [flags] [format] [color] [textcolor] ;;flags: 1 insens, 2 word 4 regex, format: 1 italics, 2 underline, 4 bold,

;Highlights all occurences of findthis in a rich edit control.
;Works with any application.

;hwndre - rich edit control handle.
;findthis - text or regular expression to find.
;;;1 - case insensitive
;;;2 - whole word
;;;4 - findthis is regular expression

;;;0 - remove underline, bold & italics,
;;;1 - italicize
;;;2 - underline
;;;4 - make bold
;color - highlight color. Not used for version 1 controls.
;textcolor - text color.
;replacetext - text that will replace the selection. Can be "" to remove the selected text. If omitted or 0, does not replace.


;SelectReplaceHighlightFormat(TextCid "skin" "skin and bones" 0 2 ColorFromRGB(255 255 255) ColorFromRGB(0 0 0))
;;;will be underlined replacement

def CFM_ITALIC 0x00000002
def CFM_UNDERLINE    0x00000004
def CFE_BOLD 0x0001
def CFE_ITALIC 0x0002
def CFE_UNDERLINE    0x0004

str s.getwintext(hwndre); if(!s.len) ret
s.findreplace("[]" "[10]")

,if(findrx(s findthis 0 flags&3|4|8 a)<0) ret
,a.create(1 0)
,,if(flags&2) i=findw(s findthis i 0 flags&1); else i=find(s findthis i flags&1)
,,if(i<0) break
,,CHARRANGE& cr=a[0 a.redim(-1)]
,,cr.cpMin=i; i+findthis.len; cr.cpMax=i
,if(!a.len) ret

__ProcessMemory m.Alloc(hwndre 1000)

,CHARFORMAT2W cfw.cbSize=sizeof(cfw)
,if(color) cfw.dwMask|CFM_BACKCOLOR; cfw.crBackColor=color
,if(textcolor) cfw.dwMask|CFM_COLOR; cfw.crTextColor=textcolor
,sel format
,,case 7
,,case 6
,,case 5
,,case 4
,,case 3
,,case 2
,,case 1
,,case 0
,,,;Remarks: To turn off a formatting attribute, set the appropriate value in dwMask but do not set the corresponding value in dwEffects. For example, to turn off italics, set CFM_ITALIC but do not set CFE_ITALIC.

,m.Write(&cfw sizeof(cfw))
,CHARFORMAT2A cfa.cbSize=sizeof(cfa)
,if(color) cfa.dwMask|CFM_BACKCOLOR; cfa.crBackColor=color
,if(textcolor) cfa.dwMask|CFM_COLOR; cfa.crTextColor=textcolor
,sel format
,,case 7
,,case 6
,,case 5
,,,cfa.dwMask|CFM_ITALIC|CFM_BOLD; cfa.dwEffects=CFE_ITALIC|CFM_BOLD
,,case 4
,,,cfa.dwMask|CFM_BOLD; cfa.dwEffects=CFE_BOLD
,,case 3
,,case 2
,,,cfa.dwMask|CFM_UNDERLINE ;cfa.dwEffects= CFE_UNDERLINE
,,case 1
,,,cfa.dwMask|CFM_ITALIC; cfa.dwEffects=CFE_ITALIC
,,,;Remarks: To turn off a formatting attribute, set the appropriate value in dwMask but do not set the corresponding value in dwEffects. For example, to turn off italics, set CFM_ITALIC but do not set CFE_ITALIC.
,m.Write(&cfa sizeof(cfa))

,if(!replacetext[0]) SendMessage hwndre EM_REPLACESEL 0 0 ;;this works in other process too
,,GetWindowThreadProcessId hwndre &_i
,,,SendMessage hwndre EM_REPLACESEL 0 replacetext
,,,for(_i 0 len(replacetext)) SendMessage hwndre WM_CHAR replacetext[_i] 0

,for i 0 a.len
,,SendMessage hwndre EM_SETSEL a[0 i].cpMin a[0 i].cpMax
,,SendMessage hwndre EM_SETCHARFORMAT SCF_SELECTION m.address    

SendMessage hwndre EM_SETSEL 0 0
ret a.len

Version 2 (doesn't work)

Function SelectReplaceHighlightFormat
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function hwndre ~findthis [$replacetext] [flags] [format] [color] [textcolor] ;;flags: 1 insens, 2 word 4 regex, format: 1 italics, 2 underline, 4 bold,

;Highlights all occurences of findthis in a rich edit control.
;Works with any application.

;hwndre - rich edit control handle.
;findthis - text or regular expression to find.
;;;1 - case insensitive
;;;2 - whole word
;;;4 - findthis is regular expression

;;;0 - remove underline, bold & italics,
;;;1 - italicize
;;;2 - underline
;;;4 - make bold
;color - highlight color. Not used for version 1 controls.
;textcolor - text color.
;replacetext - text that will replace the selection. Can be "" to remove the selected text. If omitted or 0, does not replace.


;SelectReplaceHighlightFormat(TextCid "skin" "skin and bones" 0 2 ColorFromRGB(255 255 255) ColorFromRGB(0 0 0))
;;;will be underlined replacement

def CFM_ITALIC 0x00000002
def CFM_UNDERLINE    0x00000004
def CFE_BOLD 0x0001
def CFE_ITALIC 0x0002
def CFE_UNDERLINE    0x0004

str s.getwintext(hwndre); if(!s.len) ret
s.findreplace("[]" "[10]")

,if(!replacetext[0]) SendMessage hwndre EM_REPLACESEL 0 0 ;;this works in other process too
,,GetWindowThreadProcessId hwndre &_i
,,,SendMessage hwndre EM_REPLACESEL 0 replacetext
,,,for(_i 0 len(replacetext)) SendMessage hwndre WM_CHAR replacetext[_i] 0
,s.getwintext(hwndre); if(!s.len) ret
,s.findreplace("[]" "[10]")        

,,if(findrx(s replacetext 0 flags&3|4|8 a)<0) ret
,,a.create(1 0)
,,,if(flags&2) i=findw(s replacetext i 0 flags&1); else i=find(s replacetext i flags&1)
,,,if(i<0) break
,,,cr=a[0 a.redim(-1)]
,,,cr.cpMin=i; i+len(replacetext); cr.cpMax=i
,,if(!a.len) ret
,,if(findrx(s findthis 0 flags&3|4|8 a)<0) ret
,,a.create(1 0)
,,,if(flags&2) i=findw(s findthis i 0 flags&1); else i=find(s findthis i flags&1)
,,,if(i<0) break
,,,cr=a[0 a.redim(-1)]
,,,cr.cpMin=i; i+findthis.len; cr.cpMax=i
,,if(!a.len) ret

__ProcessMemory m.Alloc(hwndre 1000)

,CHARFORMAT2W cfw.cbSize=sizeof(cfw)
,if(color) cfw.dwMask|CFM_BACKCOLOR; cfw.crBackColor=color
,if(textcolor) cfw.dwMask|CFM_COLOR; cfw.crTextColor=textcolor
,sel format
,,case 7
,,case 6
,,case 5
,,case 4
,,case 3
,,case 2
,,case 1
,,case 0
,,,;Remarks: To turn off a formatting attribute, set the appropriate value in dwMask but do not set the corresponding value in dwEffects. For example, to turn off italics, set CFM_ITALIC but do not set CFE_ITALIC.

,m.Write(&cfw sizeof(cfw))
,CHARFORMAT2A cfa.cbSize=sizeof(cfa)
,if(color) cfa.dwMask|CFM_BACKCOLOR; cfa.crBackColor=color
,if(textcolor) cfa.dwMask|CFM_COLOR; cfa.crTextColor=textcolor
,sel format
,,case 7
,,case 6
,,case 5
,,,cfa.dwMask|CFM_ITALIC|CFM_BOLD; cfa.dwEffects=CFE_ITALIC|CFM_BOLD
,,case 4
,,,cfa.dwMask|CFM_BOLD; cfa.dwEffects=CFE_BOLD
,,case 3
,,case 2
,,,cfa.dwMask|CFM_UNDERLINE ;cfa.dwEffects= CFE_UNDERLINE
,,case 1
,,,cfa.dwMask|CFM_ITALIC; cfa.dwEffects=CFE_ITALIC
,,,;Remarks: To turn off a formatting attribute, set the appropriate value in dwMask but do not set the corresponding value in dwEffects. For example, to turn off italics, set CFM_ITALIC but do not set CFE_ITALIC.
,m.Write(&cfa sizeof(cfa))

for i 0 a.len
,SendMessage hwndre EM_SETSEL a[0 i].cpMin a[0 i].cpMax
,SendMessage hwndre EM_SETCHARFORMAT SCF_SELECTION m.address    

SendMessage hwndre EM_SETSEL 0 0
ret a.len

Also even in when works (version 1), it seems you can only colorize one time. Subsequent attempts on the same text to apply different color/background don't work. It doesn't seem like the way of turning off a formatting attribute, by setting the appropriate value in dwMask but do not set the corresponding value in dwEffects works for colors - went to black-on-black. I believe this was true of the RichEditHighlight function that I based this on.

Thanks for any thoughts or help in this!


ps. I know that my handling of the combination of the flags and format codes couldn't have been handled in one combination 1|2|4|8|16|32|64|128, etc but it seemed like when I combined them, it would always take the last formatting option, instead of combining them so I split and did sel case structure, but I know this isn't most optimal/elegant.

Anyways thanks so much again!!!

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