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Text file conversation from ISO-8859-2 to UTF-8
I have a text file that is stored in ISO-8859-2 format and I would like to convert it to UTF-8. Is it possible to do it? Thank you.
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str sFile="thefile"
str sData
sData.unicode(sData 28592) ;;iso-8859-2 -> UTF-16. The 28592 is from "Code Page Identifiers" table from MSDN library.
sData.ansi(sData CP_UTF8) ;;UTF-16 -> UTF-8

Not tested.
Does not depend on whether QM is running in Unicode mode or not.
Yes, it works.
In my code, I forgot to use s.ansi(s CP_UTF8) to convert from UTF16->UTF8. But it is clear now.
Thank you.
I would like to convert into UTF-8 the following line in a .txt (.eml) file.

Subject: =?ISO-8859-7?B?RmF4IOrh6SBBY3JvYmF0IFdyaXRlcnMgzO/t3OT57SDRwcU=?=

Code page identifier is 28597.

I would appreciate any advice.

Thanks in advance.
Macro Macro1191
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str s="RmF4IOrh6SBBY3JvYmF0IFdyaXRlcnMgzO/t3OT57SDRwcU="
s.decrypt(4) ;;decode base64
;out s

s.unicode(s 28597) ;;ISO-8859-7 -> UTF-16
s.ansi ;;UTF-16 to QM code page (UTF-8 in Unicode mode)
out s
Dear Gintaras,

Once again many thanks!

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