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if variable = """""
i am having issues after getting wintext from a dialog
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str a.getwintext(id(3 "Dialog"))
,if a=run 1 time
,,goto b
,else , break
it wont let me use if a=run 1 time now if i had the id(3 in dialog be 100 it would work
say it was
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,if a=100
,,goto b
,else, break
that would work i just cant seem to get it to work on if a=run 1 time that error says
Error in function: missing ( after function name, or ; after statement.
maybe i have to use if a ="run 1 time" any help let me know thanks..
if a ="run 1 time"
will compare string. Do you need {if a contains "1"}?
no i dont need that , what im trying for is to get wintext from id(3 "Dialog"))

if a= run 1 time
goto next
else , break
its does work if i have it set
100 on dialog
if a=100
goto next
else, break
that code does work thats all im trying to do is make it work with run 1 time
What is run 1 time ?
If it is string, enclose in double quotes.
well it was just a text in the dialog i just made it like this with two different static text

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if s=0;_s="run 1 time";_s.setwintext(id(3 hDlg))
if s=0;_s="100";_s.setwintext(id(4 hDlg))

str a.getwintext(id(4 "Dialog2"))

,if a=100
,,goto b
,else , break

made it allot easier since i couldn't figure out how to make it work if static text says run 1 time so i just made 2 different static text for it

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