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Question about new macro behavior
Hi Gintaras,

just for clarification

if a macro is this


then all functions are executed one after the other as planned.

but this
mac "function1"

makes function2 executed before function1


I think:

mac "function1" ----> function1 runs asynchronously, in separate thread.
Yes. After creating new thread, if Windows does not interrupt current thread, new thread probably starts several microseconds or milliseconds later, and current thread can execute function2 and function3 during that time.
OK. Was indeed a synchronisation delay problem.

I see at least two possible use of the mac "function" thing then:

1. launch a separate thread for monitoring something, and acting until a condition is met

exemple :

if (some conditionis true) break
else do something else
0.1 (repeat endlessly til condition met)

In that case, will macro from where mac "function" is called ended whatever mac "function" status is?

2. launch a background task (if question above is yes)

Is it legitamate to act like this. If not, what are correct ways to do 1 & 2?
1. Both threads are independent from each other. If one of them wants to wait for another to end etc, need to add some code for this.

2. Yes.
OK...some hints needed...

Say I have a macro M1 doing file conversion from context menu.

When function is invoked form context menu in explorer, function reads a file to determine what to convert.
If converting function not launched, launches it
If converting function already in use, feeds the queue file and launch it again when done with new queue file.
(i just need the framework with the correct keywords to use)
Macro M1
Trigger $sm "Test convert"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function $files
str f
foreach f files
,out f
,mac "sub.Convert" "" f

#sub Convert
function $f

mes F"converting {f}"
Great, the lock intruction does what needed.

But it is new that function don't change QM tray icon color while running, as seen in changelog.

do you use mac "sub.Convert" instead of sub.Convert to allow asynchro running?
If I want to stop process, what is the correct way (insert a "wait for key" function launched by mac "function")??
Function threads don't change tray icon. You can use AddTrayIcon.

Quote:do you use mac "sub.Convert" instead of sub.Convert to allow asynchro running?
Yes, it executes #sub Convert in new thread.

Quote:If I want to stop process, what is the correct way
If want to have a hotkey to end a thread, you can create new function that calls EndThread, and assign a hotkey trigger.

Macro M1
Trigger $sm "Test convert"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function $files
str f
foreach f files
,out f
,mac "sub.Convert" "" f

#sub Convert
function $f

AddTrayIcon "$qm$\copy.ico" F"converting {f}"
mes F"converting {f}"
Function end_convert
Trigger CAe     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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EndThread "M1:Convert"
Or right click or Ctrl+click in Running items. Or use QM tray icon menu -> Threads.
Or Ctrl+click tray icon added by AddTrayIcon. But it does not work if the thread does not process messages.
yes, i use that elsewhere, but i'd like the stop procedure to be unique and only for that procedure (file conversion)
If I implement it as you say, can i call it
using that code?

function $files
str f
foreach f files
,out f
,mac "sub.Convert" "" f
,mac "end_convert"

#sub Convert
Yes, then let end_convert wait for a key etc before EndThread.

Macro M1
Trigger $sm "Test convert"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function $files
str f
foreach f files
,out f
,mac "sub.Convert" "" f
,mac "sub.End"

#sub Convert
function $f

AddTrayIcon "$qm$\copy.ico" F"converting {f}"
mes F"converting {f}"

#sub End
wait 0 K C ;;Ctrl
EndThread "M1:Convert"

Not tested with multiple waiting threads. Probably will need more code.
This version does not kill waiting threads.
Macro M1
Trigger $sm "Test convert"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function $files
str f
foreach f files
,out f
,mac "sub.Convert" "" f

#sub Convert
function $f


QMTHREAD qt; GetQmThreadInfo 0 &qt
mac "sub.End" "" qt.threadhandle

AddTrayIcon "$qm$\copy.ico" F"converting {f}"
mes F"converting {f}"

#sub End
function ht

,wait 1 K C ;;Ctrl
,,if(WaitForSingleObject(ht 0)!=WAIT_TIMEOUT) break
,EndThread "" ht
both work well, maybe second version is safer.

As usual, thanks.
oh just a last thing, how to get the position of the systray icon, by using it's windows handle?
i'd like to use TrayToolTip macro with it....
It is difficult, undocumented, although I have a function.
Better find by tooltip. Use accessible object functions.
Or simply show OSD with OnScreenDisplay in right-bottom corner.
ok, i'll forget that...

About the third version usint GetQmThreadInfo, if some call are in queue due to lock feature, waiting to be processed, which version ensures that a Ctrl press will abort all
conversions, current and queued ones?
Gintaras Wrote:Or simply show OSD with OnScreenDisplay in right-bottom corner.

Due to difficulties of color scheme and borders, i you have a macro that makes an OSD look like a tooltip, i'm interested...
This version correctly ends all threads.
Macro M1
Trigger $sm "Test convert"     Help - how to add the trigger to the macro
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function $files
int+ g_convertEndingThreads
str f
foreach f files
,out f
,mac "sub.Convert" "" f
,if(!IsThreadRunning("M1:End")) mac "sub.End"

#sub Convert
function $f

if(g_convertEndingThreads) ret
AddTrayIcon "$qm$\copy.ico" F"converting {f}"
mes F"converting {f}"

#sub End
,wait 1 K C ;;Ctrl
,,if(!IsThreadRunning("M1:Convert")) break
,EndThread "M1:Convert" 0 8
Quote:Due to difficulties of color scheme and borders, i you have a macro that makes an OSD look like a tooltip
System tooltip colors for text and background. Also possible to get system tooltip font name and size.
Macro Macro2499
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int col1=GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOTEXT); if(!col1) col1=1
int col2=GetSysColor(COLOR_INFOBK); if(!col2) col2=1
OnScreenDisplay "Text" 3 0 0 "" 9 col1 5 "" col2
Gintaras Wrote:Also possible to get system tooltip font name and size.

yes, please do...
Macro Macro2501
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NONCLIENTMETRICS m.cbSize=sizeof(m)
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS m.cbSize &m 0)
LOGFONT& p=&m.lfStatusFont
int hdc=GetDC(0); out -MulDiv(p.lfHeight 72 GetDeviceCaps(hdc LOGPIXELSY)); ReleaseDC 0 hdc
str s.fromn(&p.lfFaceName -1); out s

but the font is not exactly the same, seems more "polished" on native tooltip, like if AA was on or something like that...

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