01-23-2013, 12:19 PM
2015-07-23. This will not work with files created with QM 2.4.0 and later.
Function QmlToXml
Function QmlFromXml
Function QmlToXml
function $qmlFile $xmlFile
;Converts .qml (QM file) to .xml.
;qmlFile - .qml file. The function does not modify it.
;xmlFile - .xml file. The function creates or replaces it.
;QM files are binary. Use this function if want to convert to text format.
;QM must be in Unicode mode.
if(!_unicode) end "QM must be in Unicode mode."
str s.getfile(qmlFile)
IXml x=CreateXml
lpstr sep="[][0][0]"
int k j=findb(s sep 4)
if(!s.beg("//QM v2.") or j<0) goto ge
IXmlNode xr=x.Add("qml")
_s.left(s j); _s.encrypt(8)
xr.Add("header" _s)
xr.SetAttributeInt("version" 1)
lpstr name triggerEtc flagsEtc folder text
,j+4; if(j=s.len) break
,triggerEtc=name+len(name)+1 ;;can contain not only trigger
,flagsEtc=triggerEtc+len(triggerEtc)+1 ;;flags[ date[ image]]
,text=strstr(folder "[]"); if(!text) goto ge
,j=findb(s sep 4 text-s+2); if(j<0) goto ge
,IXmlNode xi=xr.Add("item")
,xi.SetAttribute("name" name)
,if(triggerEtc[0]) xi.SetAttribute("triggerEtc" triggerEtc)
,xi.SetAttribute("flagsEtc" flagsEtc)
,text[0]=0; xi.SetAttribute("folder" folder)
,text[0]=13; text[-1]='.'; xi.Value=text-1 ;;.[]text[] ;;. prevents removing empty lines
;x.ToString(_s); out _s
err+ end _error
end "bad file format"
Function QmlFromXml
function $qmlFile $xmlFile
;Converts .xml file created by QmlToXml back to .qml format.
;qmlFile - .qml file. The function creates or replaces it.
;xmlFile - .xml file. The function does not modify it.
;QM must be in Unicode mode.
if(!_unicode) end "QM must be in Unicode mode."
str s
IXml x=CreateXml
lpstr sep="[][0][0]"
IXmlNode xr=x.RootElement
if(xr.AttributeValueInt("version")!1) end "different version"
IXmlNode xi=xr.FirstChild
if(StrCompare(xi.Name "header")) goto ge
s.decrypt(8 xi.Value)
s.geta(sep 0 4)
,xi=xi.Next; if(!xi) break
,if(StrCompare(xi.Name "item")) goto ge
,lpstr text=xi.Value; if(text[0]='.') text+1; else goto ge ;;prevent removing empty lines
,s.fromn(s s.len xi.AttributeValue("name") -1 "" 1 xi.AttributeValue("triggerEtc") -1 "" 1 xi.AttributeValue("flagsEtc") -1 "" 1 xi.AttributeValue("folder") -1 text -1 "[0]" 2)
;outb s s.len 1
err+ end _error
end "bad file format"