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08-18-2022, 03:15 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2022, 03:19 AM by Davider.)
I created a function DynamicLV, I want to create SysListView dynamically
At present, some features have been implemented, but there are still some problems below:
1. Line 37: The font settings are not in effect
2. How to implement: After the dialog box pops up, the first line of text is selected by default
3. How to implement: After pressing the letter that begins with a line, close the dialog box and output the index of the selected line
4. How to implement: Do not display the header row where Lable is located
5. How to implement: Display separator lines between lines of text
6. How to implement: The height of the dialog box automatically adapts to the number of lines of text
Most of the code comes from the forum, with some modifications, There may be an easier way to implement it,
Thanks in advance for any advice and help
The final result I'm looking forward to is as follows
Macro Macro4
Trigger Aq
;A I'm in the line 1
;B I'm in the line 2
;C I'm in the line 3
;D I'm in the line 4
;E I'm in the line 5
mes _i
Function DynamicLV
function# str'text
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90080AC8 0x0 0 0 184 108 "Dialog"
;3 SysListView32 0x5403804D 0x204 0 0 184 108 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040C02 "*" "" "" ""
if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)) ret
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int hsys32=id(3 hDlg)
sel message
,sub.LvAddCol hsys32 0 "Label" -90
,sub.LvAddCol hsys32 1 "ID" -10
;,Fill-in values to sys32
,SendMessage hsys32 LVM_DELETEALLITEMS 0 0
,str col0=text
,int n=numlines(col0)
,for int'i 0 n
,,_s.getl(col0 i)
,,sub.LvAdd hsys32 i 0 0 _s i+1
,__Font f.CreateNew(hsys32 "Microsoft YaHei Mono" 11) ;;change this
,SendMessage hsys32 WM_SETFONT f 1
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
int j
sel nh.code
,if(na.uNewState&LVIS_SELECTED and na.uOldState&LVIS_SELECTED=0) ;;listview item selected
,,sel nh.idFrom
,,,case 3
,,,j=na.iItem;; if(j<0 or j>=aFiles.len) ret
,,,out j
ret j
#sub LvAddCol
function hlv index $txt width
;Adds column to SysListView32 control that has LVS_REPORT style (1).
;Index of first colunm is 0. If index <0, adds to the end.
;If width <0, it is interpreted as -percentage.
if(width<0) RECT r; GetClientRect hlv &r; width=-width*r.right/100
if(index<0) index=0x7fffffff
SendMessage hlv LVM_INSERTCOLUMNW index &col
#sub LvAdd
function# hlv index lparam image ~s [~s1] [~s2] [~s3] [~s4] [~s5] [~s6] [~s7] [~s8] [~s9]
;Adds item to SysListView32 control that has LVS_REPORT style and 1 to 10 columns.
if(index<0) index=0x7FFFFFFF
index=SendMessage(hlv LVM_INSERTITEMW 0 &lvi)
if index>=0
,int i; str* p=&s
,for i 1 getopt(nargs)-4
,,SendMessage(hlv LVM_SETITEMTEXTW index &lvi)
ret index
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08-18-2022, 09:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-18-2022, 09:08 AM by Davider.)
How to see the function definition of the QM AutoText list QM_PopupList(I wanted a feature similar to it), I did not find it in the QM system folder
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try this should cover all 6 requests
added additional functionality
enter key also returns selected item idex
double left mouse click on item also does the same
Function DynamicLV
function# str'text
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90080AC8 0x0 0 0 184 108 "Dialog"
;3 SysListView32 0x5403C04D 0x204 0 0 184 108 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040C00 "*" "" "" ""
int iii= ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)
ret iii
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int hsys32=id(3 hDlg)
sel message
,__Font- f.CreateNew(hsys32 "Microsoft YaHei Mono" 11) ;;change this
,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "3")
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 0 "" -90
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 1 "" -10
;,Fill-in values to sys32
,int n=numlines(text)
,for int'i 0 n
,,_s.getl(text i)
,,TO_LvAdd hsys32 i 0 0 _s i+1
,RECT r.left=LVIR_BOUNDS; SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_GETITEMRECT 0 &r)
,int xy=SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT n -1|-1)
,int width = xy & 0x0000FFFF
,int hh = xy>>16&0x0000FFFF
,siz width+4 hh hsys32
,siz width+11 hh-r.bottom+8 hDlg
,sub.LvSelect hsys32 0
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,int ii=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg ii)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 0)
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
sel nh.idFrom
,case 3
,sel nh.code
,,NMLVKEYDOWN* lvk=+nh
,,for i 0 numlines(text)
,,,_s.getl(text i)
,,,if(_s[0] = lvk.wVKey)
,,,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_DBLCLK;;on double left click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
#sub LvSelect
function hlv item [flags] ;;flags: 1 don't deselect previous, 2 don't set focus, 4 ensure visible, 8 deselect
;Selects listview item.
;To select none, use item -1.
;To select all, use item -1 and flag 8.
;Note that listview controls with LVS_SINGLESEL style can have max 1 item selected.
,if(flags&9=0) SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
,if(flags&8=0) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED; if(flags&2=0) li.state|LVIS_FOCUSED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE item &li
,if(flags&4) SendMessage hlv LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE item 0
,if(flags&8) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
added functionality if alt+f4 is used to close dialog macro will end
Macro Macro9
;A I'm in the line 1
;B I'm in the line 2
;C I'm in the line 3
;D I'm in the line 4
;E I'm in the line 5
int i=DynamicLV(_s)
if i=1000
,ret;; end if alt+f4 was used to closed dialog
out i
str ss
ss.getl(_s i)
out ss
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08-20-2022, 12:49 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-20-2022, 03:22 AM by Davider.)
@ Kevin
Thanks for your help,
Worked well,
How to achieve?
1.When I press the esc key, close the dialog directly, do not output( Don't do anything)
2.make the dialog appear below the input cursor,e.g:
DynamicLV(_s) ;; Appears at the input cursor, If the input cursor is not found, Appears in the center of the screen
DynamicLV(_s 0) ;; Appears in the center of the screen
DynamicLV(_s 1) ;;A ppears at the input cursor
My intention is to use it in the AutoText, like the below
I also want to implement that:
when I press the right mouse button on any item in this DynamicLV dialog,
then the dialog closes and then navigates to the subfunction where the dialog is located, e.g: sub.Sub1 , This way I can easily edit it, Is this possible?
Autotext autotext8
Trigger $t
te :sub.Sub1 ;;1 test DynamicLV
te :sub.Sub2 ;;2 test
#sub Sub1 m
;A I'm in the line 1
;B I'm in the line 2
;C I'm in the line 3
;D I'm in the line 4
;E I'm in the line 5
;F I'm in the line 6
sel _i+1
,case 1
,mes "I'm in the line 1"
,case 2
,mes "I'm in the line 2"
,case 3
,mes "I'm in the line 3"
,case 4
,mes "I'm in the line 4"
,case 5
,mes "I'm in the line 5"
,case 6
,mes "I'm in the line 6"
#sub Sub2 m
mes "hello world"
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somehow the cancel part got messed up
for #1
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 0)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000)
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08-20-2022, 10:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-20-2022, 10:38 AM by Davider.)
for #2
function# str'text
int x y
GetCaretXY x y
mov x y+20 hDlg
How to achieve?
If the input cursor is not found, Appears in the center of the screen, Using the above code, the dialog appears in the upper-left corner of the screen
DynamicLV(_s 0) ;;Appears in the center of the screen
DynamicLV(_s 1) ;;Appears at the input cursor
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you almost have it
just need a couple more things
Function DynamicLV
function# str'text [flags];;optional .1 show dialog at caret position if possible. 0 or omitted show dialog at center of screen(default)
,int xx yy isCaret
,isCaret = GetCaretXY(xx yy)
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90080AC8 0x0 0 0 184 108 "Dialog"
;3 SysListView32 0x5403C04D 0x204 0 0 184 108 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040C00 "*" "" "" ""
int iii= ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)
ret iii
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int hsys32=id(3 hDlg)
sel message
,__Font- f.CreateNew(hsys32 "Microsoft YaHei Mono" 11) ;;change this
,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "3")
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 0 "" -90
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 1 "" -10
;,Fill-in values to sys32
,int n=numlines(text)
,for int'i 0 n
,,_s.getl(text i)
,,TO_LvAdd hsys32 i 0 0 _s i+1
,RECT r.left=LVIR_BOUNDS; SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_GETITEMRECT 0 &r)
,int xy=SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT n -1|-1)
,int width = xy & 0x0000FFFF
,int hh = xy>>16&0x0000FFFF
,siz width+4 hh hsys32
,siz width+11 hh-r.bottom+8 hDlg
,sub.LvSelect hsys32 0
,if(isCaret > 0) ;; if caret is found and flag is 1 move dialog to caret
,,mov xx yy+25 hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,int ii=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg ii)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000);;;return this to know dialog was closed using alt+F4 or esc
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
sel nh.idFrom
,case 3
,sel nh.code
,,NMLVKEYDOWN* lvk=+nh
,,for i 0 numlines(text)
,,,_s.getl(text i)
,,,if(_s[0] = lvk.wVKey)
,,,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_DBLCLK;;on double left click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
#sub LvSelect
function hlv item [flags] ;;flags: 1 don't deselect previous, 2 don't set focus, 4 ensure visible, 8 deselect
;Selects listview item.
;To select none, use item -1.
;To select all, use item -1 and flag 8.
;Note that listview controls with LVS_SINGLESEL style can have max 1 item selected.
,if(flags&9=0) SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
,if(flags&8=0) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED; if(flags&2=0) li.state|LVIS_FOCUSED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE item &li
,if(flags&4) SendMessage hlv LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE item 0
,if(flags&8) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
calling examples
int i=DynamicLV(_s);;center of screen
int i=DynamicLV(_s 1);;below cursor
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@ Kevin
Thanks again, works well, nice features and cases
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08-20-2022, 11:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-20-2022, 11:58 PM by Davider.)
when I press the right mouse button on any item in this DynamicLV dialog,
then the dialog closes and then navigates to the subfunction where the dialog is located, e.g: sub.Sub1 , This way I can easily edit it
I think it's possible, see the picture below
When the DynamicLV dialog is displayed, it will display the name of the autotext file being operated in the Running items toolbar of the QM
So, get it -> open it -> search the file for right-click item's text, e.g: A I'm in the line 1 -> Highlight it
This requires more programming skills
Some code I found:
Macro Macro6
;Display all threads
int i n=EnumQmThreads(0 0 0 0)
ARRAY(QMTHREAD) a.create(n)
for i 0 EnumQmThreads(&a[0] n 0 0)
,out _s.getmacro(a[i].qmitemid 1)
;Open the autotext file
mac+ "autotext8"
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Maybe this can help.
Macro Macro3229
;Assume you want to add items to some list, menu, etc and implement a "go to source code" command.
;For it use function Statement in the function that adds a single item.
;This is a simplest example.
#sub Add
function $text
;get caller's QM item id and position in source code
int iid pos=Statement(1 0 0 iid)
;go to source code now
mac+ iid
int h=GetQmCodeEditor
act h
SendMessage h SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS pos 0
;Normally you would add iid/pos to an array and go to source code later on user request etc.
;Create a class. Let Add be a function of that class. Let the array be a class field (variable).
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08-21-2022, 12:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-21-2022, 12:54 PM by Davider.)
I defined it as a function WAI
Then called in a subfunction of the AutoText item,
But it will always execute
Also, I didn't find the event settings on the item by mouse Right-click
It would be much better if the operation on WAI was defined as an argument in the DynamicLV function, e.g: DynamicLV(_s 1 1) ;;set 1 can locate by right-clicking
Autotext autotext8
Trigger $t
te :sub.Sub1 ;;1 test DynamicLV
#sub Sub1 m
WAI "a"
;A I'm in the line 1
;B I'm in the line 2
;C I'm in the line 3
sel _i+1
,case 1
,mes "I'm in the line 1"
,case 2
,mes "I'm in the line 2"
,case 3
,mes "I'm in the line 3"
,case 4
,mes "I'm in the line 4"
,case 5
,mes "I'm in the line 5"
,case 6
,mes "I'm in the line 6"
Function WAI
function $text ;;Where Am I
;get caller's QM item id and position in source code
int iid pos=Statement(1 0 0 iid)
;go to source code now
mac+ iid
int h=GetQmCodeEditor
act h
SendMessage h SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS pos 0
;Normally you would add iid/pos to an array and go to source code later on user request etc.
;Create a class. Let Add be a function of that class. Let the array be a class field (variable).
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08-21-2022, 09:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-22-2022, 03:10 AM by Davider.)
Now, Use the following code, I can open the aototext file where this item is located by right-clicking.
However, there is no implementation of positioning to the subfunction, how to Search for item text in the QM Code Editor 
e.g: search A I'm in the line 1 Note: There is a space in front
messages3 add:
case NM_RCLICK ;;on right click of listview item
str ss.getl(text i)
out ss
DT_EndDialog hDlg 1000
n=EnumQmThreads(0 0 0 0)
ARRAY(QMTHREAD) a.create(n)
for _i 0 EnumQmThreads(&a[0] n 0 0)
_s.getmacro(a[_i].qmitemid 1)
mac+ _s
1.In the QM Editor, search for the text of the right-clicked item
2.Highlight flashes to show it
_s.getmacro(a[_i].qmitemid 1)
Because it is possible that other functions will also running, Which number should I set? 34?
getmacro([$macro|iid] [what]) ;;`Gets macro text, name, etc.` what: 0 text, 1 name, 2 trigger.
Obsolete what: 3 type ("0" macro, "1" function, "2" menu, "3" toolbar, "4" autotext, "5" folder, "6" member, "7" file link), 4 disabled, 5 encrypted, 6 shared, 7 id, 8 read-only.
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08-22-2022, 11:45 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-22-2022, 11:52 AM by Gintaras.)
Don't use EnumQmThreads. Use Statement at the start of the function (see my previous post). Get caller's text with _s.getmacro(iid), and parse that text.
To highlight, use SendMessage(GetQmCodeEditor SCI.XXX ...) where XXX is a Scintilla message documented in the Scintilla website. I don't remember what message to use.
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08-22-2022, 12:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-22-2022, 12:44 PM by Davider.)
Thanks for the explanation,
sorry, I don't quite understand how to use Statement in the AutoText subfunction
about highlight , I found a piece of code in the forum
#sub FlashCodeLine
function curPos hce
if(!hce) hce=GetQmCodeEditor
int indicator=9
int line=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION curPos 0)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_SETINDICATORCURRENT indicator 0)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETALPHA indicator 100)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETFORE indicator 0x00FF00)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETUNDER indicator TRUE)
int lsp=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE line 0)
int lep=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION line 0)
rep 4
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORFILLRANGE lsp lep-lsp)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORCLEARRANGE lsp lep-lsp)
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Function DynamicLV
function str'items
int iid to=Statement(1 0 0 iid)
str s.getmacro(iid)
s.left(s to)
out s
;Then on right-click parse s to get item text position in s. Then mac+ iid, SCI_GOTOPOS, etc, like in my previous post.
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I still don't quite understand how to use the above Function, 
Below is the complete sample code, with two features not implemented and a note after the code
Autotext autotext8
Trigger $t
te :sub.Sub1 ;;1 test DynamicLV
#sub Sub1 m
;A I'm in the line 1
;B I'm in the line 2
;C I'm in the line 3
_i=DynamicLV(_s 1)
sel _i+1
,case 1
,mes "I'm in the line 1"
,case 2
,mes "I'm in the line 2"
,case 3
,mes "I'm in the line 3"
,case 4
,mes "I'm in the line 4"
,case 5
,mes "I'm in the line 5"
,case 6
,mes "I'm in the line 6"
Function DynamicLV
function# str'text [flags];;optional .1 show dialog at caret position if possible. 0 or omitted show dialog at center of screen(default)
,int xx yy isCaret
,isCaret = GetCaretXY(xx yy)
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90080AC8 0x0 0 0 184 108 "Dialog"
;3 SysListView32 0x5403C04D 0x204 0 0 184 108 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040C00 "*" "" "" ""
int iii= ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)
ret iii
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int hsys32=id(3 hDlg)
sel message
,__Font- f.CreateNew(hsys32 "Microsoft YaHei Mono" 11) ;;change this
,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "3")
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 0 "" -90
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 1 "" -10
;,Fill-in values to sys32
,int n=numlines(text)
,for int'i 0 n
,,_s.getl(text i)
,,TO_LvAdd hsys32 i 0 0 _s i+1
,RECT r.left=LVIR_BOUNDS; SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_GETITEMRECT 0 &r)
,int xy=SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT n -1|-1)
,int width = xy & 0x0000FFFF
,int hh = xy>>16&0x0000FFFF
,siz width+4 hh hsys32
,siz width+11 hh-r.bottom+8 hDlg
,sub.LvSelect hsys32 0
,if(isCaret > 0) ;; if caret is found and flag is 1 move dialog to caret
,,mov xx yy+25 hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,int ii=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg ii)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000);;;return this to know dialog was closed using alt+F4 or esc
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
sel nh.idFrom
,case 3
,sel nh.code
,,NMLVKEYDOWN* lvk=+nh
,,for i 0 numlines(text)
,,,_s.getl(text i)
,,,if(_s[0] = lvk.wVKey)
,,,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_DBLCLK ;;on double left click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,out i
,,case NM_RCLICK ;;____________________________________________________________right-click listview item,Save the text to ss
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,str ss.getl(text i)
,,out ss
,,DT_EndDialog hDlg 1000
,,n=EnumQmThreads(0 0 0 0) ;;__________________________________________________Todo1: use EnumQmThreads open autotext item
,,ARRAY(QMTHREAD) a.create(n)
,,for _i 0 EnumQmThreads(&a[0] n 0 0)
,,,_s.getmacro(a[_i].qmitemid 1)
,,mac+ _s
,,;;;__________________________________________________________________________Todo2: Navigate to the Line where ss is located
,,;sub.FlashCodeLine curPos hce ;;_____________________________________________FlashCodeLine ss line
#sub LvSelect
function hlv item [flags] ;;flags: 1 don't deselect previous, 2 don't set focus, 4 ensure visible, 8 deselect
;Selects listview item.
;To select none, use item -1.
;To select all, use item -1 and flag 8.
;Note that listview controls with LVS_SINGLESEL style can have max 1 item selected.
,if(flags&9=0) SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
,if(flags&8=0) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED; if(flags&2=0) li.state|LVIS_FOCUSED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE item &li
,if(flags&4) SendMessage hlv LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE item 0
,if(flags&8) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
#sub FlashCodeLine
function curPos hce
if(!hce) hce=GetQmCodeEditor
int indicator=9
int line=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION curPos 0)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_SETINDICATORCURRENT indicator 0)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETALPHA indicator 100)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETFORE indicator 0x00FF00)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETUNDER indicator TRUE)
int lsp=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_POSITIONFROMLINE line 0)
int lep=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION line 0)
rep 4
;;;;SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORFILLRANGE lsp lep-lsp)
;;;;SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORCLEARRANGE lsp lep-lsp)
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this covers it
Autotext Autotext8
Trigger $t
te :sub.Sub1 ;;1 test DynamicLV
te :sub.Sub2 ;;2 test
#sub Sub1 m
;A I'm in the line 1
;B I'm in the line 2
;C I'm in the line 3
;D I'm in the line 4
;E I'm in the line 5
;F I'm in the line 6
_i=DynamicLV(_s 1)
if _i=1000
,ret;; end if alt+f4 or esc was used to closed dialog
str ss
ss.getl(_s _i)
mes ss
#sub Sub2 m
mes "hello world"
Function DynamicLV
function# str'text [flags];;optional .1 show dialog at caret position if possible. 0 or omitted show dialog at center of screen(default)
int iid to=Statement(1 0 0 iid)
str ss.getmacro(iid)
ss.left(ss to)
,int xx yy isCaret
,isCaret = GetCaretXY(xx yy)
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90080AC8 0x0 0 0 184 108 "Dialog"
;3 SysListView32 0x5403C04D 0x204 0 0 184 108 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040C00 "*" "" "" ""
int iii= ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)
ret iii
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int hsys32=id(3 hDlg)
sel message
,__Font- f.CreateNew(hsys32 "Microsoft YaHei Mono" 11) ;;change this
,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "3")
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 0 "" -90
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 1 "" -10
;,Fill-in values to sys32
,int n=numlines(text)
,for int'i 0 n
,,_s.getl(text i)
,,TO_LvAdd hsys32 i 0 0 _s i+1
,RECT r.left=LVIR_BOUNDS; SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_GETITEMRECT 0 &r)
,int xy=SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT n -1|-1)
,int width = xy & 0x0000FFFF
,int hh = xy>>16&0x0000FFFF
,siz width+4 hh hsys32
,siz width+11 hh-r.bottom+8 hDlg
,sub.LvSelect hsys32 0
,if(isCaret > 0) ;; if caret is found and flag is 1 move dialog to caret
,,mov xx yy+25 hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,int ii=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg ii)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000);;;return this to know dialog was closed using alt+F4 or esc
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
sel nh.idFrom
,case 3
,sel nh.code
,,NMLVKEYDOWN* lvk=+nh
,,for i 0 numlines(text)
,,,_s.getl(text i)
,,,if(_s[0] = lvk.wVKey)
,,,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_DBLCLK;;on double left click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_RCLICK;;on right click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,str lviText.getl(text i)
,,out lviText
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000)
,,int posF=find(ss lviText 0)
,,sub.FlashCodeLine(posF iid)
#sub LvSelect
function hlv item [flags] ;;flags: 1 don't deselect previous, 2 don't set focus, 4 ensure visible, 8 deselect
;Selects listview item.
;To select none, use item -1.
;To select all, use item -1 and flag 8.
;Note that listview controls with LVS_SINGLESEL style can have max 1 item selected.
,if(flags&9=0) SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
,if(flags&8=0) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED; if(flags&2=0) li.state|LVIS_FOCUSED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE item &li
,if(flags&4) SendMessage hlv LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE item 0
,if(flags&8) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
#sub FlashCodeLine
function curPos iid [hce]
if(!hce) hce=GetQmCodeEditor
mac+ iid
act hce
SendMessage hce SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS curPos 0
int indicator=19
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_SETINDICATORCURRENT indicator 0)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETALPHA indicator 100)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETFORE indicator 0x00FF00)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETUNDER indicator TRUE)
int line=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION curPos 0)
int lep=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION line 0)
act hce
rep 4
,SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORFILLRANGE curPos lep-curPos)
,SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORCLEARRANGE curPos lep-curPos)
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@ Kevin
wow! thank you!!
All the features have been implemented and work well!
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11-04-2022, 02:05 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-04-2022, 02:42 AM by Davider.)
I want to use , and . to select an item, use / close, but it has no effect
,case WM_CHAR
,,case 44 ;;Press ,
,,key D
,,case 46 ;;Press .
,,key U
,,case 47 ;;Press / close
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Function DynamicLV
function# str'text [flags];;optional .1 show dialog at caret position if possible. 0 or omitted show dialog at center of screen(default)
int iid to=Statement(1 0 0 iid)
str ss.getmacro(iid)
ss.left(ss to)
,int xx yy isCaret
,isCaret = GetCaretXY(xx yy)
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90080AC8 0x0 0 0 184 108 "Dialog"
;3 SysListView32 0x5403C04D 0x204 0 0 184 108 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040C00 "*" "" "" ""
int iii= ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)
ret iii
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int hsys32=id(3 hDlg)
sel message
,__Font- f.CreateNew(hsys32 "Microsoft YaHei Mono" 11) ;;change this
,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "3")
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 0 "" -90
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 1 "" -10
;,Fill-in values to sys32
,int n=numlines(text)
,for int'i 0 n
,,_s.getl(text i)
,,TO_LvAdd hsys32 i 0 0 _s i+1
,RECT r.left=LVIR_BOUNDS; SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_GETITEMRECT 0 &r)
,int xy=SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT n -1|-1)
,int width = xy & 0x0000FFFF
,int hh = xy>>16&0x0000FFFF
,siz width+4 hh hsys32
,siz width+11 hh-r.bottom+8 hDlg
,sub.LvSelect hsys32 0
,if(isCaret > 0) ;; if caret is found and flag is 1 move dialog to caret
,,mov xx yy+25 hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,int ii=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg ii)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000);;;return this to know dialog was closed using alt+F4 or esc
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
sel nh.idFrom
,case 3
,sel nh.code
,,NMLVKEYDOWN* lvk=+nh
,,if lvk.wVKey=188 or lvk.wVKey=190 or lvk.wVKey=191
,,,if lvk.wVKey=188
,,,,sub.SendKey(nh.hwndFrom VK_DOWN)
,,,if lvk.wVKey=190
,,,,sub.SendKey(nh.hwndFrom VK_UP)
,,,if lvk.wVKey=191
,,,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000)
,,for i 0 numlines(text)
,,,_s.getl(text i)
,,,if(_s[0] = lvk.wVKey)
,,,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_DBLCLK;;on double left click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_RCLICK;;on right click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,str lviText.getl(text i)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000)
,,int posF=find(ss lviText 0)
,,sub.FlashCodeLine(posF iid)
#sub LvSelect
function hlv item [flags] ;;flags: 1 don't deselect previous, 2 don't set focus, 4 ensure visible, 8 deselect
;Selects listview item.
;To select none, use item -1.
;To select all, use item -1 and flag 8.
;Note that listview controls with LVS_SINGLESEL style can have max 1 item selected.
,if(flags&9=0) SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
,if(flags&8=0) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED; if(flags&2=0) li.state|LVIS_FOCUSED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE item &li
,if(flags&4) SendMessage hlv LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE item 0
,if(flags&8) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
#sub FlashCodeLine
function curPos iid [hce]
if(!hce) hce=GetQmCodeEditor
mac+ iid
act hce
SendMessage hce SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS curPos 0
int indicator=19
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_SETINDICATORCURRENT indicator 0)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETALPHA indicator 100)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETFORE indicator 0x00FF00)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETUNDER indicator TRUE)
int line=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION curPos 0)
int lep=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION line 0)
act hce
rep 4
,SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORFILLRANGE curPos lep-curPos)
,SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORCLEARRANGE curPos lep-curPos)
#sub SendKey
function hwnd vk [flags] ;;flags: 0 down-up, 1 down, 2 up
;Posts keyboard messages directly to a control. The window can be inactive.
;You can find virtual-key codes in QM help. For alphanumeric keys, use uppercase characters in '', eg 'A'.
;hwnd - control handle.
;vk - virtual-key code.
int m1 m2 lp=MapVirtualKey(vk 0)<<16|1
sel(vk) case [3,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,44,45,46,91,92,93,111,144,VK_RCONTROL,VK_RMENU] lp|0x1000000 ;;ek
if(flags&3!2) PostMessage hwnd WM_KEYDOWN vk lp
if(flags&3!1) PostMessage hwnd WM_KEYUP vk lp|0xC0000000
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11-04-2022, 05:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-04-2022, 08:25 AM by Davider.)
Press the key , . an alert sound will be emitted, Using the up and down keys directly will not
addition, I want to press the Tab key, which can confirm the selection
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sorry i had sounds off didn't catch it. Will need to eat those keys so probably best to use this
Function DynamicLVKeys
Trigger !v"Dialog_DLV" "#32770"
int hwnd=TriggerWindow
int- hlv=child("" "SysListView32" hwnd)
int hh=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD_LL &sub.Hook_WH_KEYBOARD_LL _hinst 0)
opt waitmsg 1
,0.2 -WV hlv
UnhookWindowsHookEx hh
function# nCode message KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT&k
if(nCode<0) goto gNext
int- hlv
int isActive=hlv
if(!isActive) SendMessage hlv WM_ACTIVATE WA_ACTIVE 0
int up=k.flags&LLKHF_UP
FormatKeyString k.vkCode 0 &_s;
if _s=","
,,SendKeysToWindow2(hlv key(D))
,ret 1
if _s="."
,,SendKeysToWindow2(hlv key(U))
,ret 1
if _s="/"
,,SendKeysToWindow2(hlv key(Z))
,ret 1
if _s="Tab"
,,,SendKeysToWindow2(hlv key(Y))
,,ret 1
ret CallNextHookEx(0 nCode message &k)
Function DynamicLV
function# str'text [flags];;optional .1 show dialog at caret position if possible. 0 or omitted show dialog at center of screen(default)
int iid to=Statement(1 0 0 iid)
str ss.getmacro(iid)
ss.left(ss to)
,int xx yy isCaret
,isCaret = GetCaretXY(xx yy)
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90080AC8 0x0 0 0 184 108 "Dialog_DLV"
;3 SysListView32 0x5403C04D 0x204 0 0 184 108 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040C00 "*" "" "" ""
int iii= ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)
ret iii
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int hsys32=id(3 hDlg)
sel message
,__Font- f.CreateNew(hsys32 "Microsoft YaHei Mono" 11) ;;change this
,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "3")
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 0 "" -90
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 1 "" -10
;,Fill-in values to sys32
,int n=numlines(text)
,for int'i 0 n
,,_s.getl(text i)
,,TO_LvAdd hsys32 i 0 0 _s i+1
,RECT r.left=LVIR_BOUNDS; SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_GETITEMRECT 0 &r)
,int xy=SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT n -1|-1)
,int width = xy & 0x0000FFFF
,int hh = xy>>16&0x0000FFFF
,siz width+4 hh hsys32
,siz width+11 hh-r.bottom+8 hDlg
,sub.LvSelect hsys32 0
,if(isCaret > 0) ;; if caret is found and flag is 1 move dialog to caret
,,mov xx yy+25 hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,int ii=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg ii)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000);;;return this to know dialog was closed using alt+F4 or esc
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
sel nh.idFrom
,case 3
,sel nh.code
,,NMLVKEYDOWN* lvk=+nh
,,for i 0 numlines(text)
,,,_s.getl(text i)
,,,if(_s[0] = lvk.wVKey)
,,,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_DBLCLK;;on double left click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_RCLICK;;on right click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,str lviText.getl(text i)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000)
,,int posF=find(ss lviText 0)
,,sub.FlashCodeLine(posF iid)
#sub LvSelect
function hlv item [flags] ;;flags: 1 don't deselect previous, 2 don't set focus, 4 ensure visible, 8 deselect
;Selects listview item.
;To select none, use item -1.
;To select all, use item -1 and flag 8.
;Note that listview controls with LVS_SINGLESEL style can have max 1 item selected.
,if(flags&9=0) SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
,if(flags&8=0) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED; if(flags&2=0) li.state|LVIS_FOCUSED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE item &li
,if(flags&4) SendMessage hlv LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE item 0
,if(flags&8) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
#sub FlashCodeLine
function curPos iid [hce]
if(!hce) hce=GetQmCodeEditor
mac+ iid
act hce
SendMessage hce SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS curPos 0
int indicator=19
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_SETINDICATORCURRENT indicator 0)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETALPHA indicator 100)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETFORE indicator 0x00FF00)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETUNDER indicator TRUE)
int line=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION curPos 0)
int lep=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION line 0)
act hce
rep 4
,SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORFILLRANGE curPos lep-curPos)
,SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORCLEARRANGE curPos lep-curPos)
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11-07-2022, 12:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-07-2022, 11:51 PM by Davider.)
thanks, the code Works well!
But there is one place where it is not perfect, such as the following example:
There are two lines that begin with the letter B
When I press the B key, only the first item is output directly
So, I want to pick the first item that starts with the letter B, Press the B key again to move to the second item, At this point, I can also use , and . Select them
But, If the letter at the begin of a line is unique, when I press the letter, the item is output directly, such as the A, C, E in the example
This can be a bit complicated to implement
Autotext Autotext
Trigger $t
te :sub.Sub1 ;;1 test DynamicLV
#sub Sub1 m
;A I'm in the line A
;B I'm in the line B1
;B I'm in the line B2
;C I'm in the line C
;D I'm in the line D1
;D I'm in the line D2
;E I'm in the line E
;F I'm in the line F1
;F I'm in the line F2
_i=DynamicLV(_s 1)
if _i=1000
,ret;; end if alt+f4 or esc was used to closed dialog
str ss
ss.getl(_s _i)
mes ss
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11-17-2022, 01:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-17-2022, 01:41 AM by Kevin.)
this covers that
Function DynamicLV
function# str'text [flags];;optional .1 show dialog at caret position if possible. 0 or omitted show dialog at center of screen(default)
int iid to=Statement(1 0 0 iid)
str ss.getmacro(iid)
ss.left(ss to)
,int xx yy isCaret
,isCaret = GetCaretXY(xx yy)
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90080AC8 0x0 0 0 184 108 ""
;3 SysListView32 0x5403C04D 0x204 0 0 184 108 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040C00 "*" "" "" ""
int iii= ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc 0)
ret iii
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
int hsys32=id(3 hDlg)
sel message
,__Font- f.CreateNew(hsys32 "Segoe UI" 12) ;;change this
,f.SetDialogFont(hDlg "3")
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 0 "" -90
,TO_LvAddCol hsys32 1 "" -10
;,Fill-in values to sys32
,int n=numlines(text)
,for int'i 0 n
,,_s.getl(text i)
,,TO_LvAdd hsys32 i 0 0 _s i+1
,RECT r.left=LVIR_BOUNDS; SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_GETITEMRECT 0 &r)
,int xy=SendMessage(hsys32 LVM_APPROXIMATEVIEWRECT n -1|-1)
,int width = xy & 0x0000FFFF
,int hh = xy>>16&0x0000FFFF
,siz width+4 hh hsys32
,siz width+11 hh-r.bottom+8 hDlg
,sub.LvSelect hsys32 0
,if(isCaret > 0) ;; if caret is found and flag is 1 move dialog to caret
,,mov xx yy+25 hDlg
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
,case WM_NOTIFY goto messages3
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,int ii=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg ii)
,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000);;;return this to know dialog was closed using alt+F4 or esc
ret 1
NMHDR* nh=+lParam
sel nh.idFrom
,case 3
,sel nh.code
,,NMLVKEYDOWN* lvk=+nh
,,if(lvk.wVKey<64 or lvk.wVKey>91)
,,int ln dc=sub.CheckForUnique(text lvk.wVKey ln)
,,if dc=0
,,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg ln)
,,case NM_DBLCLK;;on double left click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg i)
,,case NM_RCLICK;;on right click of listview item
,,i=SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg 3 LVM_GETNEXTITEM -1 LVNI_SELECTED)
,,str lviText2
,,GetListViewItemText nh.hwndFrom i-1 lviText2 0 2
,,str lviText.getl(text i)
,,DT_EndDialog(hDlg 1000)
,,int posF=find(ss lviText 0)
,,sub.FlashCodeLine(posF iid)
#sub LvSelect
function hlv item [flags] ;;flags: 1 don't deselect previous, 2 don't set focus, 4 ensure visible, 8 deselect
;Selects listview item.
;To select none, use item -1.
;To select all, use item -1 and flag 8.
;Note that listview controls with LVS_SINGLESEL style can have max 1 item selected.
,if(flags&9=0) SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
,if(flags&8=0) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED; if(flags&2=0) li.state|LVIS_FOCUSED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE item &li
,if(flags&4) SendMessage hlv LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE item 0
,if(flags&8) li.state=LVIS_SELECTED
,SendMessage hlv LVM_SETITEMSTATE -1 &li
#sub FlashCodeLine
function curPos iid [hce]
if(!hce) hce=GetQmCodeEditor
mac+ iid
act hce
SendMessage hce SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS curPos 0
int indicator=19
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_SETINDICATORCURRENT indicator 0)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETALPHA indicator 100)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETFORE indicator 0x00FF00)
SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICSETUNDER indicator TRUE)
int line=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION curPos 0)
int lep=SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION line 0)
act hce
rep 4
,SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORFILLRANGE curPos lep-curPos)
,SendMessage(hce SCI.SCI_INDICATORCLEARRANGE curPos lep-curPos)
#sub CheckForUnique
function ~text keys &ln
int count
for _i 0 numlines(text)
,_s.getl(text _i)
,if(_s[0] = keys)
if(count >1) ret 1; else ret
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11-25-2022, 04:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 11-25-2022, 01:30 PM by Davider.)
@ Kevin
I want the DynamicLV window to be centered relative to the currently open window, When the text cursor cannot be found, such as in PowerShell ISE
I have the code below, but it doesn't work
Macro Macro3
int w=win("" "#32770")
RECT r; DpiGetWindowRect w &r
int wL=hwnd
int cx cy
GetWinXY wL 0 0 cx cy
int x = r.left + ((r.right - r.left - cx)/2)
int y = + ((r.bottom - - cy)/2)
mov x y wL
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int iid to=Statement(1 0 0 iid)
int w1=win()
RECT r1; DpiGetWindowRect w1 &r1
,if(isCaret > 0) ;; if caret is found and flag is 1 move dialog to caret
,,mov xx yy+25 hDlg
,,int Dwidth Dheight
,,GetWinXY hDlg 0 0 Dwidth Dheight
,,int Dx = r1.left + ((r1.right - r1.left - Dwidth)/2)
,,int Dy = + ((r1.bottom - - Dheight)/2)
,,mov Dx Dy hDlg
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@ Kevin
worked well, Thank you
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12-02-2022, 02:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-02-2022, 03:01 AM by Davider.)
@ Kevin
Switching from F to D sometimes does not respond and requires waiting a while
Not sensitive enough
Autotext AT1
Trigger $t
te :sub.Sub1 ;;1 test DynamicLV
#sub Sub1 m
;A I'm in the line A
;B I'm in the line B1
;B I'm in the line B2
;C I'm in the line C
;D I'm in the line D1
;D I'm in the line D2
;E I'm in the line E
;F I'm in the line F1
;F I'm in the line F2
_i=DynamicLV(_s 1)
if _i=1000
,ret;; end if alt+f4 or esc was used to closed dialog
str ss
ss.getl(_s _i)
mes ss
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This feature is useful and can be used for classification