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how 2 get info from functions 2 show in a dialog box
how do u get info stored in a function 2 show in a dialg box and update when the info is updated in the function?and also how do u make a timer show minutes and seconds instead of just seconds
function can use code like this

str s="info"

s.setwintext(id(x win("Dialog Name")))

where x is id of dialog control that displays text.

Quote:how do u make a timer show minutes and seconds instead of just seconds

int t=70
out "%im, %is" t/60 t%60
ty 4 the help but i have a few more questions concerning dialogs
How do u make a dialog appear and still have the functions or functions continue on with there statements i tried inserting this dialog in the start of my macro but it just stops the macro after the dialog box is shown and doesn't continue on.
The timer i asked about is also in a dialog so how 2 make that timer start from 0:00 and when it gets 2 60 seconds show 1:00 and so on?
Exist various ways.

1. The function runs in other thread.

mac "functionname"

2. Modeless dialog.

ShowDialog(x x x 0 1)
,the code
,wait 0.1

You cannot simply get data from modeless dialogs.

3. In dialog procedure, eg using timer (SetTimer/WM_TIMER). You can find timer examples in other topics.

4. And maybe more (don't remember now).
Thank Your for the help got the dialog and the macro 2work at the same time.
But i still can't seem 2 get the Timer 2 change.Making the timer is no problem i tried some of the examples in the forum and the only 1 i found isn't esactly what i was looking 4.Sorry 2 keep asking but 4 some reason i can't seem 2 make it work the way i want it 2.All i need it 2 do is when it gets 2 60 seconds change to 1:00 and keep going in that format.
I can make it count in the output with the example u gave no problem it's just the dialog timer i'm having trouble making it change.Ii tried to adpt this but no luck

Ihave another Question??
How 2 make the Timer in a dialog Start and restart from functions instead of the dialog?
str s.format("%i:%i" t/60 t%60)
out s

here t is counter variable (number of seconds).

Quote:How 2 make the Timer in a dialog Start and restart from functions instead of the dialog?

If the dialog is running, get its handle and use it with SetTimer.

int hDlg=win("dialog title")
SetTimer hDlg timerid timerperiod 0

If dialog is not running, you cannot use SetTimer. Instead you could use rep or tim.

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