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need a lil help if possible
im just wondering if theres anyway to act the 3rd last active window say my function act notepad then word then internet browser i want to bring in back to the last window that was active before the function started is this possible?
y cant u just state the name of the window? as in

act "notepad"

explain more if tht doesnt help
bcoz i want it do go back to whatever im doing so i can work on other stuff without many interuptions but im not sure if there a way

Assign each window a string variable.

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str a="Window 1"
str b="Window 2"
str c="Window 3"

act a
act b
act c
Taking on Quick Macros one day at a time
dont know why i didnt think of that lol ill make it get the first window name then store in a variable and act the variable at the end of code tyvm

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