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Encrypt Password Visible In Compiled Exe
I searched a compiled exe file for my encrypt password and found it in the clear 33 times. It doesn't seem to matter if the macro is encrypted or not.

I'm using encrypt to store usernames and passwords in the registry, any suggestions to keep the password from being visible in the exe?

It would take half a bag of Dorito's and a couple Mountain Dews for anyone with a little knowledge of QM to view anything encrypted and stored in the registry with QM. :shock: tisk...tisk...tisk
post your code, lets see what youre doing.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
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str pass
pass.encrypt(1 pass "MyNotSoSecretPassword")

Just create a function using encrypt and create an exe. Then open the exe in a text editor and search for the password that you used in the encrypt statement.
well....sort's there but you have to know what it is to find it but it is there.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
Hmmm...that's not exactly the kind of answer that's going to make us want to plunk down $200 dollars to upgrade to the developer version, when it goes RC.

I wonder if you would be comfortable putting your personal information encrypted into the registry, knowing that it would take 10 minutes to guess which one of the 100 words in the clear from the Exe, is the encryption password?

Maybe we could have a little fun? Why don't you insert your information into the below function, create an Exe of it, and upload the Exe. And see how long it takes the board members "to know what it is to find" the password to decrypt your CC Number? :lol: :lol: :lol:

str ccNumber = "<--- Insert Your CC Number Here --->"
ccNumber.encrypt(1 ccNumber "<--- You Pick The Password --->")

rset ccNumber "ccNumbers" "\CCNumbers"
Thank you, I'll fix it. If the macro is encrypted, you expect that it's strings are encrypted in exe too.
Thank You Gintaras

I also wanted to let Ken know I wasn't atttacking him, I know he's been very helpful in the message boards, and I have gained a lot from reading his post's. I just hoped the issue would be taken seriously, and even though it would be hard to find the encrypt password in the Exe, it wouldn't be impossible to see a certain word repeating many times, and guessing it to be the encrypt password.
switch to decaf, dude....I'm not here snap to at your're not the first person to expect me to start answering question and get all bent out of shape when I don't/can't/won't/or don't have enough time to fix/rewrite/or write them myself. I have nothing to do with delivering this program, codeing it, or get paid to answer questions. I'm just some shmo in rat-tail-nowhere who uses it and answers questions when i can/am able to/feel like it. So you can quit holding G responsible for me NOT answering questions for any/all of the reasons above....I have NO affiliation with QM and the views expressed in this post do not reflect the views of anyone who actually is afiliated with QM or even those who are not (with the exception of myself (for whom I speak with full confidence)).

Next time, wait a full 8 hours before you start pissing about nobody taking your question seriously...or better yet, don't expect the one person who can do something about it, to get up in the middle of the night to start looking into it. Not everyone lives near you; in fact i'd hazard to say G doesn't even live within 6 TIME ZONES of you. And as for my tech support, start paying then start complaining.

JasonSmith2 Wrote:Hmmm...that's not exactly the kind of answer that's going to make us want to plunk down $200 dollars to upgrade to the developer version, when it goes RC.
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook

I just compiled a macro and found my password in the exe , unencrypted.
Then I came across this topic and I wonder if this has been fixed, is there a way
to encrypt a password in the exe ?

Thanks ,
Encrypt the macro. Then all its strings in exe will be encrypted.

Or, if you use the password with a function that supports encrypted passwords (eg AutoPassword), you can encrypt the password in Options -> Security.
Thank you very much. It works perfectly.
Sorry I'm sure I overlooked something.
I have a macro that has "ABC123" as a password in the .exe.
And I have a special comment string "QM_ENCRYPT_THIS" which I used in "security" to encrypt.

like this:

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str pw="ABC123"

1) I go to to tools >> options >> security
2) Check checkbox "All with this text in comments", then put the the string comment "QM_ENCRYPT_THIS" in the below inputfield
3) In the inputfield "Set password for the above actions" I set a password, example "123"
4) I press the "Encrypt**" button

All the macro code get's replaced with:

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I also get the message in the output pane "Encrypted: ...."

When I try to make exe I get:
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Cannot make exe: cannot save project settings (read-only?)

I want the string str pw="ABC123" to be masked (Encrypted) in the compiled executable.
(As I understand, all the other strings get encrypted, which is ok).

I am using portable version of QM:
Move text BEGIN PROJECT...END PROJECT to parent folder's Properties -> Description.
Yes thank you that worked!!!

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