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Collected QM apps, functions, samples
Contains many of mini QM applications, functions, classes, other QM extensions collected from the forum.
Links to topics are not added. External files (required for some) too.
To get more info about a function etc, search the forum.
Something here may be newer, something older.

Last updated 2019-04-05.

Attached Files
.qml   Archive.qml (Size: 1.18 MB / Downloads: 8,925)
What an incredible resource!!!!!!
I can learn so much from these and use them too...
Great Collection and a helpful ready reference.


Thanks! This is really a treasure trove
These should just be packaged in all releases of Quick Macros! There are some gems in there...and some I remember working on myself Smile

Thank you so much for taking the time to post this.
Jimmy Vig
I also enjoyed seeing some of the fruit of my questions. Thanks Gintaras for creating all these functions!
WOW thats awesome G!

I liked seeing some of my examples in there too, stuff i worked on and questioned here!

Great resource!
Thanks Gintaras learning loads from this allready!

Will the archive be updated regulary or a one off?

will be updated regularly
Thanks gintaras! :wink:
This is amazing. I use it everyday I write code. And read through it everytime I need help before I come here.
QM Student
To Gintaras,

I suggest these be part of the link on the help menu of the software.
The users or probable buyers of the program prefer more examples but also
short and simple routines (novices) not lengthy and complicated macros(experts).
The novice users outnumber the experts always all the time.

We do not mind at all if you present all examples.

These should be some good reasons why it is called quick macros .
So easy and quick to learn.

Thanks sincerely for trusting my feedback.

Gintaras and all,

I have not seen any QM samples using videos as teaching aids. I think it is long
overdued. Please correct me if I am wrong and I do apologize then but if
I am right , isn't it about time to think of our competitors?

of California
Thank you very much for this Gintaras!
Thank you so much!!!! Wink

Is there an archive (.qml) of all the numbered macros, etc. in the forums?

It would be awesome to have a dowload site for all the files attached to forum entries.
QML files, etc.



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