01-25-2009, 10:02 PM
would it be possible to make phone calls using qm? any way..
01-25-2009, 10:02 PM
would it be possible to make phone calls using qm? any way..
01-26-2009, 09:30 AM
google for TAPI
I cannot help, never used TAPI functions, and cannot test
01-27-2009, 12:18 AM
ok i have the TAPI dll but how would this be possible to implement into qm?
would i need to load the typlib? load the dll? any help would be much appreciated. thanks
01-27-2009, 08:45 AM
You don't need dlls or typelibs. Read TAPI reference in MSDN library and use the functions.
Also Windows has TAPI type library. It should be simpler to use but I don't know where documented. Macro typelib TAPI3Lib {21D6D480-A88B-11D0-83DD-00AA003CCABD} 1.0 Or automate Windows Phone Dialer application. Macro At first run dialer.exe and configure everything and make sure you can make phone calls with it. It uses TAPI too.
01-28-2009, 03:13 AM
ok first i tryed using it manually, no sucess.
couldnt even get a dial tone hooking phone to computer, or using microphone.
01-28-2009, 03:33 AM
I found this while searching the internet it is vb code. Not sure if this could be any help but i've been trying everything i can find on this TAPI and nothing is working.
thanks... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Filename: DialerGlobal.vb 'Desc: Extends Inheritable Dialer Class with TAPI Methods 'Date: 10/24/2007 'Auth: John T. M DATAMODEM Dialer Project ' ' 'Description: ' Class to implement call handeling using DATAMODEM DTMF Device. ' Detects modem as DATAMODEM. ' 'Dependancies: ' To Do - Implement SIP Session Initiation Protocol for PBX (VoIP) Functionality. ' IP telephony signaling protocol used to establish, modify and terminate VOIP telephone calls. ' SIP was developed by the IETF and published as RFC 3261 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3261 ' ' Implements TAPI 3.x Class Members - TAPI3Lib ' ' ' References: ' ms-help://MS.PSDKSVR2003SP1.1033/tapi/tapi3/tapi_quick_start.htm Imports TAPI3Lib Public Class Dialer Private TAPI3 As TAPI ' TAPI 3.x Class Public TAPIException As Exception ' TAPI Errors encountered during execution Public TAPIExceptionMessage As String ' TAPI Exception Message Public TAPI3Initalized As Boolean ' TAPI 3 Initalized state Private TAPIAddress As ITAddress ' Address of Supported Media Type Public TAPIAddressName As String ' TAPIAddress.AddressName Public TAPIDataModemAddress As ITAddress ' Address of Data Modem Device Private TAPICollAddresses As ITCollection ' Collection of Media Type Addresses Private TAPIMediaSupport As ITMediaSupport Private TAPIAddressCapabilities As ITAddressCapabilities ' Capabilities of Device Private TAPICallControl As ITBasicCallControl ' Call Control Object Private TAPICallState As CALL_STATE ' TAPI Call State for active call Private TAPICallStateTimer As System.Timers.Timer ' TAPICall State Timer Public TAPICallInfo As ITCallInfo ' Information about calls Private TAPICalls As ITCollection ' Maintains Collection of calls Private TAPICallTerminal As ITTerminal ' Call Terminals Object Private TAPITerminalSupport As ITTerminalSupport2 ' Terminal Support Object Public CallAddressState As ADDRESS_STATE ' State of ITAddress object Public DATA_MODEM_DEVICE As Boolean ' Call Device (ITAddress DATAMODEM) available Public MEDIA_SUPPORT_AUDIO As Boolean ' Call Device Supports Audio Public MEDIA_SUPPORT_VIDEO As Boolean ' Call Device Supports Video Public DTMFH323Support As Boolean ' Call Device Support DTMF Streams. Private WithEvents TAPIWithEvents As TAPI ' TAPI Event Handler Private TAPIRegistrationToken As Integer ' Handle for event registration Private fOwner As Boolean, fMonitor As Boolean ' Registration options RegisterCallNotifications Private lMediaTypes As Integer, lCallbackInstance As Integer ' Call event notifications and constants Const CallEvents As TAPI_EVENT = _ TAPI_EVENT.TE_CALLMEDIA _ Or TAPI_EVENT.TE_CALLSTATE _ Or TAPI_EVENT.TE_CALLNOTIFICATION _ Or TAPI_EVENT.TE_TONEEVENT _ Or TAPI_EVENT.TE_DIGITEVENT Const LINEADDRESSTYPE_PHONENUMBER = 1 ' Standard Phone Number Const LINEADDRESSTYPE_IPADDRESS = 16 ' Standard TCP/IP Address IPV4 Public Enum MEDIA_TYPE As Integer ' TAPIConstants.TAPIMEDIATYPE_ Constants AUDIO = 8 ' &H0008 DATAMODEM = 16 ' &H0010 G3FAX = 32 ' &H0020 VIDEO = 32768 ' &H8000 AUDIOVIDEO = 32776 ' &H8008 End Enum Public Enum LINEDIGIT_MODE As Integer ' TAPIConstants.LINEDIGITMODE_ Constants LINEDIGITMODE_PULSE = 1 LINEDIGITMODE_DTMF = 2 LINEDIGITMODE_DTMFEND = 4 End Enum ' Initialize TAPI 3.x Class, Must call Shutdown() when finished Public Sub Initialize() If Not TAPI3Initalized Then ' TAPI Objects Not Initialized TAPI3 = New TAPI ' Create the new TAPI Object TAPIException = Nothing TAPIExceptionMessage = Nothing TAPICallTerminal = Nothing TAPICallControl = Nothing TAPITerminalSupport = Nothing TAPICalls = Nothing TAPI3.Initialize() ' Initalize TAPI Instance TAPIRegistrationToken = 0 ' Null Registration DATA_MODEM_DEVICE = False ' Selected Call device available. MEDIA_SUPPORT_AUDIO = False MEDIA_SUPPORT_VIDEO = False TAPICollAddresses = TAPI3.Addresses ' Addresses to Enumerate into collection. TAPICallState = CALL_STATE.CS_DISCONNECTED ' Default Call State is Disconnected. ' Select default call Notifications for TAPI fOwner = False ' Application Owns incomming calls fMonitor = True ' Application Monitors calls. lMediaTypes = MEDIA_TYPE.DATAMODEM ' Default Media type handled by Dialer. lCallbackInstance = 1 TAPIDataModemAddress = FindMediaType(MEDIA_TYPE.DATAMODEM) ' Select Defualt DTMF Modem Device ' Set ITTAPIEventNotification::Event interface TAPI3.EventFilter = CallEvents ' Set TAPI Call Event Notifications TAPIWithEvents = TAPI3 ' Register the outgoing events. If Not TAPIDataModemAddress Is Nothing Then ' Data Modem Support ..? SetITAddress(TAPIDataModemAddress) ' Set Data Modem as active TAPIAddress (ITAddress) TAPI3Initalized = True ' TAPI Initalized TAPI3.SetApplicationPriority(Application.ProductName, lMediaTypes, True) ' Application is DATAMODEM GOD TAPICallStateTimer = New System.Timers.Timer ' New Call Timer AddHandler TAPICallStateTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf TAPICallStateTimerElapsed TAPICallStateTimer.Interval = 10000 ' 10 Second Call Interval Timer TAPICallStateTimer.Stop() ' MakeCall("###-###-####") ' Debugging application only End If End If End Sub 'Find address that supports the desired type Media Type (nMedia). 'Returns ITAddress (Usable Address) of requested Media Type (TapiConstants) on Success. Public Function FindMediaType(ByVal nMedia As MEDIA_TYPE) As ITAddress Dim tAddressIndex As Integer ' Address Index of Supported Media type Dim TAPIoAddress As Object ' Usable Address Object TAPIAddress = Nothing ' Set to Invalid Address For tAddressIndex = 1 To TAPICollAddresses.Count TAPIoAddress = TAPICollAddresses.Item(tAddressIndex) TAPIMediaSupport = TAPIoAddress If TAPIMediaSupport.QueryMediaType(nMedia) Then TAPIAddress = TAPIoAddress lMediaTypes = TAPIMediaSupport.MediaTypes ' Media Types supported by this address. Exit For ' Set Current Address to requested TAPICollAddresses.Item(tAddressIndex) End If Next TAPIoAddress = Nothing ' Set to Invalid Address TAPIMediaSupport = Nothing ' Destroy Object Return TAPIAddress End Function ' Set device address active for selected call device returned by FindMediaType. ' Device is DTMF compatible and can generate and monitor tones. Private Function SetITAddress(ByVal xITAddress As ITAddress) As Boolean Dim DeviceAvailable = False DATA_MODEM_DEVICE = False MEDIA_SUPPORT_VIDEO = False MEDIA_SUPPORT_AUDIO = False lMediaTypes = 0 CallAddressState = xITAddress.State If CallAddressState = ADDRESS_STATE.AS_INSERVICE Then TAPIAddress = Nothing ' Release Address Object TAPIAddress = xITAddress ' Set Active device address. TAPIAddressName = TAPIAddress.AddressName ' Set Active address name for selected device. TAPIMediaSupport = TAPIAddress ' Detect Media Support Type for selected address. TAPIAddressCapabilities = TAPIAddress ' Set Address Capabilities. TAPICalls = TAPIAddress.Calls ' Get collection of ITCallInfo pointers for specified address. ' Determine type of media supported by selected device. If TAPIMediaSupport.QueryMediaType(MEDIA_TYPE.DATAMODEM) Then DATA_MODEM_DEVICE = True If TAPIMediaSupport.QueryMediaType(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIOVIDEO) Then MEDIA_SUPPORT_VIDEO = True MEDIA_SUPPORT_AUDIO = True Else If TAPIMediaSupport.QueryMediaType(MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO) Then MEDIA_SUPPORT_AUDIO = True If TAPIMediaSupport.QueryMediaType(MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO) Then MEDIA_SUPPORT_VIDEO = True End If ' Set lMediaTypes Supported for this address. If DATA_MODEM_DEVICE Then lMediaTypes = MEDIA_TYPE.DATAMODEM If Not DATA_MODEM_DEVICE Then lMediaTypes = TAPIMediaSupport.MediaTypes ' If device supports incomming calls register. If TAPIRegistrationToken Then TAPI3.UnregisterNotifications(TAPIRegistrationToken) Try ' Register Call Notification for DATAMMODEM Device. TAPIRegistrationToken = TAPI3.RegisterCallNotifications(xITAddress, fMonitor, _ fOwner, lMediaTypes, lCallbackInstance) DeviceAvailable = True ' Set Device Available. Catch ex As Exception ' Incomming calls not supported by interface. TAPIException = ex TAPIExceptionMessage = ex.Message End Try End If TAPIMediaSupport = Nothing ' Disreguard Objects. TAPIAddressCapabilities = Nothing Return DeviceAvailable End Function ' Create a new Call Control Object and associate with xITAddress (use default Modem device) Private Function SetCallControl(ByVal phNumber As String) As Boolean Dim nControlState As Boolean = False 'TAPICallTerminal = Nothing TAPICallControl = Nothing TAPICallInfo = Nothing ' Device available and ITAddress is DTMF enabled. If phNumber.Length >= 8 And Not TAPIAddress Is Nothing Then ' Valid phone number. ' Create a new Call Control Object for this call. TAPICallControl = TAPIAddress.CreateCall(phNumber, _ LINEADDRESSTYPE_PHONENUMBER, lMediaTypes) If Not TAPICallControl Is Nothing Then ' Set Tapi Call Control and Information. TAPICallInfo = TAPICallControl ' Set Call Information TAPICallState = TAPICallInfo.CallState ' Get Call State information ' Try ' Is terminal support available does an MSP exist for this address ? ' TAPITerminalSupport = TAPIAddress ' Terminal Support Object ' TAPICallTerminal = TAPITerminalSupport.GetDefaultStaticTerminal( _ ' lMediaTypes, TERMINAL_DIRECTION.TD_CAPTURE) ' Catch ex As System.Exception ' Terminal Support Not available for this device. ' TAPIException = ex ' TAPIExceptionMessage = ex.Message ' End Try If TAPICallState = CALL_STATE.CS_IDLE Then nControlState = True End If End If Return nControlState End Function ' Place a new Call to PhoneNumber, Returns True on Success ' Sets Call Control using default Data Modem device. ' If the call is synchronous, this method will not return until ' the call is in the connected state or fails. Public Function MakeCall(ByVal phNumber As String) As Boolean Dim nControlState As Boolean = False If Not TAPI3Initalized Then Initialize() ' Initalize TAPI 3 If DATA_MODEM_DEVICE Then ' Modem Device is ready. If SetCallControl(phNumber) Then Try ' Try to place the call syncronusly TAPICallControl.Connect(False) ' Place call and return asyncronusly. TAPICallState = TAPICallInfo.CallState ' Set Call State information for active connection. nControlState = True ' Call was placed. Catch ex As Exception ' Call Failed TAPIException = ex TAPIExceptionMessage = ex.Message Shutdown() ' Stop TAPI3 End Try End If End If Return nControlState End Function ' Close all TAPI Sessions and Clean up objects Public Sub Shutdown() ' Check for valid registration token If TAPI3Initalized Then If Not TAPICallInfo Is Nothing Then ' Is there an active call If TAPICallInfo.CallState <> CALL_STATE.CS_DISCONNECTED Then TAPICallControl.Disconnect(DISCONNECT_CODE.DC_NORMAL) TAPICallState = CALL_STATE.CS_DISCONNECTED End If If TAPIRegistrationToken Then TAPI3.UnregisterNotifications(TAPIRegistrationToken) MEDIA_SUPPORT_AUDIO = False MEDIA_SUPPORT_VIDEO = False TAPICallInfo = Nothing TAPICallTerminal = Nothing TAPITerminalSupport = Nothing TAPICallControl = Nothing TAPIMediaSupport = Nothing TAPIWithEvents = Nothing TAPI3.Shutdown() DATA_MODEM_DEVICE = False TAPIDataModemAddress = Nothing TAPIAddress = Nothing TAPIAddressCapabilities = Nothing TAPICollAddresses = Nothing TAPICalls = Nothing TAPI3Initalized = False TAPIException = Nothing TAPIExceptionMessage = Nothing TAPIRegistrationToken = 0 TAPI3 = Nothing ' Release TAPI End If End Sub Private Sub TAPIWithEvents_Event(ByVal TapiEvent As TAPI3Lib.TAPI_EVENT, ByVal pEvent As Object) Handles TAPIWithEvents.Event ' TAPI Event Handler for TapiEvent use MakeCall with TAPICallControl.Connect(False) for asyncronus operation. ' If the call is asynchronous, the application will receive information about the call's progress through ' the ITCallNotificationEvent outgoing interface. Select Case TapiEvent Case TAPI_EVENT.TE_CALLSTATE ' Process Call State Events for active call (TAPICallState = TAPICallInfo.CallState) Dim TAPICallStateEvent As ITCallStateEvent = pEvent TAPICallState = TAPICallStateEvent.State ' Update Call State for TAPICallInfo.CallState TAPICallInfo = TAPICallStateEvent.Call ' Update Call Information for this call. TAPICallStateEvent = Nothing ' Discontinue object. Select Case TAPICallState ' Process Call State for TAPICallInfo Case CALL_STATE.CS_DISCONNECTED ' Call was Disconnected so release objects. TAPICallStateTimer.Stop() ' Stop the Call State Timer Case CALL_STATE.CS_INPROGRESS ' Call is in progress TAPICallStateTimer.Start() ' Start the Call State Timer Case CALL_STATE.CS_CONNECTED ' Call Was completed successfully TAPICallControl.Disconnect(DISCONNECT_CODE.DC_NORMAL) End Select Case TAPI_EVENT.TE_CALLNOTIFICATION ' Process Incomming Call Here Case TAPI_EVENT.TE_CALLMEDIA Case TAPI_EVENT.TE_TONEEVENT Case TAPI_EVENT.TE_DIGITEVENT End Select End Sub ' Handles TAPI Call State timing (Timer to set Max Call Duration) Private Sub TAPICallStateTimerElapsed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) TAPICallStateTimer.Stop() ' Process Call State for current call Select Case TAPICallState ' Process Call State for TAPICallInfo Case CALL_STATE.CS_INPROGRESS ' Call is in progress TAPICallControl.Disconnect(DISCONNECT_CODE.DC_NORMAL) Case CALL_STATE.CS_CONNECTED ' Call Was completed successfully TAPICallControl.Disconnect(DISCONNECT_CODE.DC_NORMAL) End Select End Sub End Class
01-28-2009, 09:21 AM
If cannot dial manually, TAPI codes also will not work. Because dialer.exe uses TAPI too.
01-28-2009, 07:02 PM
ok im still confused about how dialoer.exe works...
-do i need a phone plugged in? -what kind of setup needs done?
01-28-2009, 07:07 PM
never used it, don't know
02-14-2009, 09:04 PM
I am interested in same thing... Any progress QM_Expert?
02-14-2009, 09:23 PM
havent had time to really mess around with this, would be interested to find more info though.
02-14-2009, 11:04 PM
My work computer doesn't have a modem with a regular telephone jack - just an network card for ethernet. I have ordered a USB modem and will try to use it with the regular windows dialer.exe program. Will let you know.
02-14-2009, 11:35 PM
I'm not exactly sure how to setup my computer to use dialer.exe.
Do i need a phone line coming in from the wall jack? Or can i just plug a phone into the back of my computer in the modem with the telephone jack? Thanks
06-30-2014, 06:52 PM
Gintaras Wrote:You don't need dlls or typelibs. Read TAPI reference in MSDN library and use the functions. that works for me. ![]() |
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