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DisplaySettings ?
HI Gintaras !

I use this to change my Screen solution..

Macro Macro2
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DisplaySettings(32 1024 768)

but how can i receive the current setting? I need the x y coordinates and the color depth in a string.
i made some experiments lol

Macro Macro3
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int Desktop = win("Program Manager" "Progman")
int x y cx cy
str CurrentSolution

GetWinXY Desktop x y cx cy
CurrentSolution.format("%i %i" cx cy)
out CurrentSolution

but i cant figure out how to get the col depth. maybe u know a shorter way that includes it.

Thank you very much
Macro Macro848
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int wid hei col
_i=GetDC(0); col=GetDeviceCaps(_i BITSPIXEL); ReleaseDC(0 _i)
thank you very much its exaxt what i was loking for !

DisplaySettings(32 1024 768)

should it return 1 if succesful ?
the example says yes but doesnt matter if it fails or not it reĀ“turns 0 ??
out DisplaySettings(32 1024 768)

On my computer returns 1 when successful.

If you want to help to debug this:
Create this function and call it instead of DisplaySettings. What it shows in QM output when successfully changes display settings?
Function DisplaySettings2
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function! [colorbits] [xpixels] [ypixels]

def CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY  0x00000001
def DM_BITSPERPEL       0x00040000
def DM_PELSWIDTH        0x00080000
def DM_PELSHEIGHT       0x00100000
def DISP_CHANGE_RESTART          1
type DEVMODE !dmDeviceName[CCHDEVICENAME] @dmSpecVersion @dmDriverVersion @dmSize @dmDriverExtra dmFields @dmOrientation @dmPaperSize @dmPaperLength @dmPaperWidth @dmScale @dmCopies @dmDefaultSource @dmPrintQuality @dmColor @dmDuplex @dmYResolution @dmTTOption @dmCollate !dmFormName[CCHFORMNAME] @dmUnusedPadding @dmBitsPerPel dmPelsWidth dmPelsHeight dmDisplayFlags dmDisplayFrequency
dll user32
,#EnumDisplaySettings $lpszDeviceName iModeNum DEVMODE*lpDevMode
,#ChangeDisplaySettings DEVMODE*lpDevMode dwflags

int i
for i 0 1000
,if(EnumDisplaySettings(0 i &d)=0) break
,if(colorbits=0 and xpixels=0 and ypixels=0)
,,out "colorbits=%i  xpixels=%i  ypixels=%i" d.dmBitsPerPel d.dmPelsWidth d.dmPelsHeight
,if((colorbits=0 or colorbits=d.dmBitsPerPel) and (xpixels=0 or xpixels=d.dmPelsWidth) and (ypixels=0 or ypixels=d.dmPelsHeight))
,,if(colorbits) d.dmFields|DM_BITSPERPEL
,,if(xpixels) d.dmFields|DM_PELSWIDTH
,,if(ypixels) d.dmFields|DM_PELSHEIGHT
,,i=ChangeDisplaySettings(&d CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY)
,,out "ChangeDisplaySettings returned %i" i
,,if(i=DISP_CHANGE_RESTART) mes "Display settings will be changed after you restart computer." "Display Settings" "i"
i ran it 3 times

1st was succesful , 2nd and 3rd not

always the same result ;

ChangeDisplaySettings returned 0
Then DisplaySettings and DisplaySettings2 return 1. You said it returns 0.
sorry for not beeing clear..

I tried it 3 times and only 1 of the trys was succesful but on all tries it returned 0
Please post your macro that calls the function and displays its return value.
Ok im sorry just tried it on my other Pc and it works... im realy sorry for taking ur time for nothing.

Thanks you Gintaras

This function can be used with multiple monitors.
Function DisplaySettingsMultiMonitor
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function! monitor [colorbits] [xpixels] [ypixels] [xmonitor] [ymonitor]

;Changes display resolution and/or other settings of specified monitor.
;You can set only required arguments, others set to 0.
;If all arguments except monitor are 0, then only shows available display settings.
;Returns 1 if successful, 0 if fails.
;If needs to restart computer, shows message box and returns 0.

;monitor - 1-based monitor index. 0 and 1 is primary monitor.
;colorbits - color resolution (4, 8, 16, 24 or 32 bits).
;xpixels, ypixels - width and height.
;xmonitor, ymonitor - monitor position. For primary monitor must be 0.

;DisplaySettingsMultiMonitor(2) ;;show available settings of monitor 2

;DisplaySettingsMultiMonitor(2 0 1024 768) ;;change display resolution of monitor 2

;DisplaySettingsMultiMonitor(2 8) ;;change color depth of monitor 2

;DisplaySettingsMultiMonitor(2 0 0 0 1024 200) ;;change position of monitor 2

def CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY  0x00000001
def DM_BITSPERPEL       0x00040000
def DM_PELSWIDTH        0x00080000
def DM_PELSHEIGHT       0x00100000
def DISP_CHANGE_RESTART          1
type DEVMODE !dmDeviceName[32] @dmSpecVersion @dmDriverVersion @dmSize @dmDriverExtra dmFields {{@dmOrientation @dmPaperSize @dmPaperLength @dmPaperWidth @dmScale @dmCopies @dmDefaultSource @dmPrintQuality} []{POINTL'dmPosition dmDisplayOrientation dmDisplayFixedOutput}} @dmColor @dmDuplex @dmYResolution @dmTTOption @dmCollate !dmFormName[32] @dmLogPixels dmBitsPerPel dmPelsWidth dmPelsHeight {dmDisplayFlags []dmNup} dmDisplayFrequency dmICMMethod dmICMIntent dmMediaType dmDitherType dmReserved1 dmReserved2 dmPanningWidth dmPanningHeight
type MONITORINFO cbSize RECT'rcMonitor RECT'rcWork dwFlags
type MONITORINFOEX :MONITORINFO'_base !szDevice[32]
dll user32
,#EnumDisplaySettings $lpszDeviceName iModeNum DEVMODE*lpDevMode
,#ChangeDisplaySettingsEx $lpszDeviceName DEVMODE*lpDevMode hwnd dwflags !*lParam
,#GetMonitorInfo hMonitor MONITORINFO*lpmi

;monitor index -> device name
str devname
if(monitor and monitor!=1)
,int hm=MonitorFromIndex(monitor)
,if(monitor>0 and hm=MonitorFromIndex(1)) ret
,MONITORINFOEX mi.cbSize=sizeof(mi)
,if(!GetMonitorInfo(hm +&mi)) ret
,lpstr t=&mi.szDevice; devname=t

DEVMODE d.dmSize=sizeof(d)
int i
for i 0 1000
,if(EnumDisplaySettings(devname i &d)=0) break
,if(colorbits=0 and xpixels=0 and ypixels=0 and xmonitor=0 and ymonitor=0)
,,out "colorbits=%i  xpixels=%i  ypixels=%i  frequency=%i" d.dmBitsPerPel d.dmPelsWidth d.dmPelsHeight d.dmDisplayFrequency
,if((colorbits=0 or colorbits=d.dmBitsPerPel) and (xpixels=0 or xpixels=d.dmPelsWidth) and (ypixels=0 or ypixels=d.dmPelsHeight))
,,if(colorbits) d.dmFields|DM_BITSPERPEL
,,if(xpixels) d.dmFields|DM_PELSWIDTH
,,if(ypixels) d.dmFields|DM_PELSHEIGHT
,,if(xmonitor or ymonitor) d.dmFields|DM_POSITION; d.dmPosition.x=xmonitor; d.dmPosition.y=ymonitor
,,i=ChangeDisplaySettingsEx(devname &d 0 CDS_UPDATEREGISTRY 0)
,,if(i=DISP_CHANGE_RESTART) mes "Display settings will be changed after you restart computer." "Display Settings" "i"
nice !! Thanks

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