Posts: 32
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Joined: Feb 2009
Qm does not like my ini-file.
See attached.
Attached Files
init4.qml (Size: 4.01 KB / Downloads: 616)
Posts: 12,095
Threads: 142
Joined: Dec 2002
How and where exactly crashes? To find where exactly, run with F5.
To test, I disabled kbdlib line and renames CFont to __Font, which is the same. I don't have them.
Tested on Windows 7 32 bit.
Nothing bad happens.
Posts: 32
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Joined: Feb 2009
.. I don't know - i press F5 and nothing happens - except that qm is not responding anymore.
I'm using Windows XP Professional 2002...
Posts: 12,095
Threads: 142
Joined: Dec 2002
What if without kbdlib?
def OCR_NORMAL 32512
def WH_MOUSE_LL 14
type KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT vkCode scanCode flags time dwExtraInfo
type MSLLHOOKSTRUCT POINT ' pt mouseData flags time dwExtraInfo
type TRACKMOUSEEVENT cbSize dwFlags hwndTrack dwHoverTime
type PAINTSTRUCT hDC fErase RECT ' rcPaint fRestore fIncUpdate ! rgbReserved[32 ]
type LOGBRUSH lbStyle lbColor lbHatch
;typelib KBDLib {8B495663-F300-4854-A6B0-0CFEBFB70F76} 1.0
;class __Font :-GdiObject'g
dll user32
, # GetKeyState nVirtKey
, # SetWindowsHookEx idHook lpfn hmod dwThreadId
, # UnhookWindowsHookEx hHook
, # CallNextHookEx hHook ncode wParam !* lParam
, # GetDlgItemText hDlg nIDDlgItem $ lpString nMaxCount
, # GetForegroundWindow
, # GetClassName hWnd $ lpString cch
, # LoadCursorFromFile $ lpCursorName
, # CopyImage hImage uType cx cy Flags
, # SetSystemCursor hCursor Id
, # GetCursor
, # DestroyCursor hCursor
, # DrawEdge hDC RECT * lpRect edge grfFlags
, # TrackMouseEvent TRACKMOUSEEVENT * lpEventTrack
, # ValidateRect hWnd RECT * lpRect
, # BeginPaint hWnd PAINTSTRUCT * lpPaint
, # DrawText hDC $ lpStr nCount RECT * lpRect wFormat
, # EndPaint hWnd PAINTSTRUCT * lpPaint
dll gdi32
, # GetPixel hDC x y
, # GetObject hgdiobj cbBuffer !* lpvObject
, # SetBkMode hDC nBkMode
, # SetBkColor hDC crColor
, # SetTextColor hDC crColor
, # CreatePen fnPenStyle nWidth crColor
, ;#SelectObject hdc hgdiobj
, # MoveToEx hDC x y POINT * lppoint
, # LineTo hDC x y
def QU_HOST 1
#if ( QU_HOST = 1 )
def PPP_JOBS "C:\jobs\"
def PPP_ELTEST "C:\eltest\"
def PPP_REM_PC ""
#if ( QU_HOST = 9 )
def PPP_JOBS "Y:\"
def PPP_ELTEST "W:\"
def PPP_REM_PC ""
#if ( QU_HOST = 8 )
def PPP_JOBS "Y:\"
def PPP_ELTEST "W:\"
def PPP_REM_PC_QMREM "\\PC01-KBH\CROSSTEMP\rem\qmrem_elconpc.txt"
str +* p_str_all._new( 150 )
int +* p_int_all._new( 200 )
int +* p_layers._new( 50 )
type ALL_PNT str * nj str * lj str * on str * sp int * i str * mj
type J_JOBDIM ^ size_x ^ size_y ^ orig_x ^ orig_y ^ orio_x ^ orio_y roto_o
type K_PANDIM ^ pgap_x ^ pgap_y ^ pbdr_x ^ pbdr_y ^ psiz_x ^ psiz_y prep_x prep_y
type P_PANDIM ^ outl_x ^ outl_y ^ pgap_x ^ pgap_y ^ pbdr_x ^ pbdr_y ^ psiz_x ^ psiz_y prep_x prep_y
J_JOBDIM +* p_j_job._new
K_PANDIM +* p_k_pan._new
P_PANDIM +* p_p_pan._new
type DDIAVAR $ controls $ name $ lblstr $ func nr idsel diax diah idst
type KDIAVAR str ' name str ' keydef str ' keyext str ' excl flags
type QMUVAR str ' s double ' d int ' i
QMUVAR +* p_qmu_var._new( 4 )
type WRSIZ x y cx cy
def P_INT_PDKEY 64
def P_INT_QMU 180
def P_INT_QCOL 100
int * p=& p_int_all[100 ]
p[00 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x4444ee )
p[01 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x33ee33 )
p[02 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xee5555 )
p[03 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x2266dd )
p[04 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x00dd22 )
p[05 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xdd3333 )
p[06 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xaaaaaa )
p[07 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x778877 )
p[08 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xbb6666 )
p[09 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x00dd00 )
p[10 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x555555 )
p[11 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x3333ff )
p[12 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x00ffe0 )
p[13 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xff62ff )
p[14 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xffe040 )
p[15 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xe8f8f8 )
p[16 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x101010 )
p[17 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xc2c2c2 )
p[18 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0x70c2ff )
p[19 ]= CreateSolidBrush ( 0xeeddd0 )
__Font + _Arial_8.Create( "Arial" 8 )
__Font + _Arial_91.Create( "Arial" 9 1 )
__Font + _Arial_10.Create( "Arial" 10 )
__Font + _Arial_12.Create( "Arial" 12 )
__Font + _Arial_14.Create( "Arial" 14 )
__Font + _Arial_16.Create( "Arial" 16 )
__Font + _Arial_18.Create( "Arial" 18 )
__Font + _Arial_20.Create( "Arial" 20 )
__Font + _Arial_22.Create( "Arial" 22 )
__Font + _Arial_24.Create( "Arial" 24 )
__Font + _Cournew_91.Create( "Courier new" 9 1 )
__Font + _Cournew_101.Create( "Courier new" 10 1 )
__Font + _Cournew_201.Create( "Courier new" 20 1 )
int + hIconForward= GetIcon ( "$qm$\forward.ico" 1 )
int +* p_cursors_._new( 100 )
Posts: 32
Threads: 10
Joined: Feb 2009
It seems that the problem is CFont.
I can declare class CFont, but as soon as i declare CFont variable it goes wrong.
Can use __Font instead, but what is the problem in declaring another class?
Posts: 12,095
Threads: 142
Joined: Dec 2002
Now I see.
Bug when the class uses member of type GdiObject. OK if uses member of type __GdiHandle, which is the same as GdiObject.
Will fix it in next QM. Thank you.