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I'm having an issue with the OnScreenDisplay. I'm having it show some information built from various sources along with the time in hrs min sec and there seems to be some sort of flicker in it every once in a while but I can't seem to narrow down what's causing it. does anyone have any ideas what's causing it?

Function Big_Board
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,gLDays= goLive-today
,dCDays= devComp-today
,if dCDays<-100
,countdown=F" DevComp:{dCDays} .:⁞:. SprntEnd:{gLDays} "
,if _s="Thu"
,,_s.left(_s 1)
,,_s.from(_s "")
,_s.from(_s "-" s)
,s.timeformat("{h}:{mm}:{ss} ")
,s.from(s _s)
,FirefoxGetTabs(0 FF_names)
,findrx(gmail_tab_name "Inbox.* - [email protected] - Gmail" 0 0 gmail_tab_name)
,gmail_tab_name.replacerx("\D" "")
,,out _error.description
,if len(gmail_tab_name)=0
,,gmail_tab_name= "--"
,if len(lml_behind)>0
,,lml_min=Round(lml_min 1)
,,if lml_min_prv<>lml_min
,,,lml_min_diff=Round(lml_min_diff 1)
,,s.from( "LML: " lml_min " LML Diff: " lml_min_diff " .:⁞:. " outl_curr "  " gmail_tab_name "  " s)
,,s.from( countdown " " outl_curr "  " gmail_tab_name "  " s)
,OnScreenDisplay(s -1 1317 -2 "Consolas" 12 0x00ffff 1|8|0x8000 "New_Time_Mail" 0x343434)
An old blog on QM coding and automation.

The Macro Hook
there will always be a flicker in it, i use to make a code that did time and counted up each time it did a certain task , and i had it set up perfectly coded and it would flicker every now and then also, but it was a quick flicker could hardly tell
you know if you use GetTickCount and ,SetTimer there will be no flicker on those i add that to a dialog and i dont get any flicker in it

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