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How could I use the data inside a grid?
[Image: sturcture.png]

[Image: soft.png]

I have some data in the software,
How could I Copy the quantities from the total column to the "Current lot" column for each row.

I tried,but I have no clue on how to select the data for each row.
Find TABLE accessible object.
Get matching cells with GetChildObjects.
For each cell:
- get cell value,
- get other cell with Navigate,
- set its text with SetValue.

Macro Macro2737
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int w=win(...)
Acc a.Find(w "TABLE" ...)
ARRAY(Acc) k; int i
a.GetChildObjects(k 1 "CELL" "Total" "" 1|16)
for i 0 k.len
,str s=k[i].Value
,out s ;;debug
,Acc a2; k[i].Navigate("next2" a2)

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