04-04-2019, 08:35 AM
sorry for the delay i fell asleep
here is the dialog
the checkbox is toggle by alt+y change to whatever you like(cannot be just alt)
edit 3 is now focused when dialog opens
double left in the list box launches the autotext code insertion
Function Add_AutoText_dialog
Trigger CSAa
here is the dialog
the checkbox is toggle by alt+y change to whatever you like(cannot be just alt)
edit 3 is now focused when dialog opens
double left in the list box launches the autotext code insertion
Function Add_AutoText_dialog
Trigger CSAa

str s.getsel
;1.code:Get a list of all AutoText files
QMITEM q; int i
ARRAY(str) atn
ARRAY(int) htvi
,i=qmitem(-i 1|16 &q 1|2|4|8)
,if(i=0) break
,if q.itype=4
str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 164 234 "Add AutoText" "4"
;3 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 26 19 112 12 ""
;4 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 26 42 112 12 ""
;5 ComboBox 0x54230243 0x0 26 64 112 213 ""
;6 ListBox 0x54230101 0x200 26 84 112 94 ""
;8 Button 0x54012003 0x0 45 186 72 8 "Open after adding"
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 26 202 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 91 202 48 14 "Cancel"
;7 Button 0x54020007 0x0 8 4 148 222 ""
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040802 "*" "" "" ""
str controls = "3 4 5 6 8"
str e3 e4 cb5 lb6 c8Ope
if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret
#sub DlgProc v
function# hDlg message wParam lParam
sel message
,DT_SetAccelerators(hDlg "400 Ay");; alt+y change to something else if you dont like (alt cannot be used by itself)
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case IDOK
,case 400
,but* id(8 hDlg);;toggle checkbox
,case LBN_DBLCLK<<16|6
,str name
,_i=LB_SelectedItem(lParam &name)
,str s1 s2 c8
,DT_GetControl(hDlg 3 s1)
,DT_GetControl(hDlg 4 s2)
;,2.code:Open selected Autotext
,mac+ name
;;;;3.code: find insertion point
,int h
,sub.InsertionPoint(name h)
;;;;;insert autotext
,TO_Fav "TO_Text" 0 0
,int w=wait(0 WA win("Text" "#32770"))
,but id(6 w) ;;check box 'Multiline'
,s.setwintext(id(3 w))
,but id(1 w);; close text window and insert code into autotext function
;,4.code:Replace the default Abbreviation with the variable s1, Add a description with the variable s2
,wait(0 WD win("Text" "#32770"))
,int r=sub.GetInsertedTextCaretPosition(1)
,int line=SendMessage(h SCI.SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION r 0)
,int lpe=SendMessage(h SCI.SCI_GETLINEENDPOSITION line 0)
,SendMessage(h SCI.SCI_SETSEL r lpe)
,SendMessage(h SCI.SCI_COPY 0 0)
,_s.findreplace("text" s1)
,_s+ F" ;;{s2}"
,SendMessage(h SCI.SCI_PASTE 0 0)
,DT_GetControl(hDlg 8 c8)
,,men 33285 _hwndqm ;;Close active item
,,men 33013 _hwndqm ;;Close Qm Window
ret 1
#sub InsertionPoint
function ~name int&h
mac+ name
SendMessage(h SCI.SCI_GOTOLINE 1 0)
#sub GetInsertedTextCaretPosition
function# [flags] ;;flags: 1 go to that position
int c=GetQmCodeEditor
SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_UNDO 0 0)
int r=SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GETCURRENTPOS 0 0)
SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_REDO 0 0)
if(flags&1) SendMessage(c SCI.SCI_GOTOPOS r 0)
ret r