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Change Window Size and Position
Hi, I need to specify the size and position of a window. 

I have seen a post about specifying the window position but not on how to specify it's size.

Al, is there a way to specify the exact window position (instead of top-left, bottom-right, etc)?

Thank you.

I did some more searching and found a post by Gintaras that helped.  Here's the solution I used.

spe 10
int w
run "$windows$\explorer.exe" ".\" "" "" 0x2800 win("" "CabinetWClass") w
siz 1000 800 w
mov 2907 6 w

Thanks Gintaras.
I usually use mov+. you can find help file searching "mov" and I think it is necessary to wait window appears.
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int w
run("$windows$\explorer.exe" ".\" "" "")

   wait 0.1
   w=win("" "CabinetWClass" "explorer")
      mov+ 2907 6 1000 800 w

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