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Check the condition before closing the dialog
there is a bug in the code where the dialog will still close with e3 and e4 not having text if you just put text in e6 and check a gender. Also don't need to add code from ID_OK to CBN_DBLCLK to check can simply click the ok button and checks will be done and if correct dialog will close.

here is updated code fixing bugs above.
Also added a a balloon tooltip for the edit controls as better visual cue when the conditions are not met.
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str dd=
;0 "" 0x90C80AC8 0x0 0 0 224 136 "Dialog" "4"
;3 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 8 12 96 13 ""
;4 Edit 0x54030080 0x200 116 12 96 13 ""
;6 Edit 0x54230084 0x200 8 40 96 70 ""
;5 ComboBox 0x54230641 0x0 116 40 96 70 ""
;7 Static 0x54000000 0x0 8 0 48 12 "e3"
;8 Static 0x54000000 0x0 116 0 48 12 "e4"
;9 Static 0x54000000 0x0 8 28 48 13 "e6"
;10 Static 0x54000000 0x0 116 28 48 13 "cb5"
;11 Button 0x54032009 0x0 8 123 46 10 "male"
;12 Button 0x54002009 0x0 54 123 50 10 "female"
;13 Static 0x54000000 0x4 8 112 48 13 "Gender:[]"
;1 Button 0x54030001 0x4 116 116 48 14 "OK"
;2 Button 0x54030000 0x4 168 116 48 14 "Cancel"
;DIALOG EDITOR: "" 0x2040A00 "*" "" "" ""

str controls = "3 4 6 5 11 12"
str e3 e4 e6 cb5 o11mal o12fem

if(!ShowDialog(dd &sub.DlgProc &controls)) ret

out e3
out e4
out e6
out cb5

#sub DlgProc
function# hDlg message wParam lParam

sel message
,case WM_COMMAND goto messages2
sel wParam
,case CBN_DBLCLK<<16|5
,but id(1 hDlg)
,case CBN_EDITCHANGE<<16|5  ;;cb5 type letters automatic completion
,sub.CB_AutoComplete lParam
,case IDOK
,_s.getwintext(id(3 hDlg)); _s.trim
,if(_s.len=0 or findrx(_s "^-?(\D+(\.\D*)?)?$")<0)
,,act id(3 hDlg) ;;editable text
,,sub.SetEditBallonTip(3 hDlg _s.len)
,_s.getwintext(id(4 hDlg)) _s.trim
,str pattern="[^\x80-\xff]+"
,if(_s.len=0 or findrx(_s pattern)!=-1)
,,act id(4 hDlg)
,,sub.SetEditBallonTip(4 hDlg _s.len)        
,_s.getwintext(id(6 hDlg)); _s.trim
,if(_s.len =0)
,,act id(6 hDlg) ;;editable text
,,sub.SetEditBallonTip(6 hDlg)
,if(!IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg 11))
,,if(!IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg 12))
,,,out "check gender"

ret 1

#sub CB_AutoComplete
function hcb

ifk(B) ret
ifk(X) ret
str s ss; int i
,i=CB_FindItem(hcb s)
,,CB_GetItemText(hcb i ss)
,,,SendMessage(hcb CB_SETEDITSEL 0 ss.len<<16|s.len)

#sub SetEditBallonTip
function cid hwnd [etLen]
ebt.pszTitle=@"Unacceptable Character"

sel cid
,case 3
,,ebt.pszText=@"Cannot be Empty"
,,ebt.pszText=@"You may only type letters a-z here"
,case 4
,,ebt.pszText=@"Cannot be Empty"
,,ebt.pszText=@"You may only type double byte characters here"
,case 6
,ebt.pszText=@"Cannot be Empty"
SendMessage(id(cid hwnd) EM_SHOWBALLOONTIP 0 &ebt)    

Messages In This Thread
RE: Check the condition before closing the dialog - by Kevin - 01-15-2021, 06:34 AM

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