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Execute c# functions
To return multiple values from C#, can be used 2 ways:

1. Let C# return array.

Macro Macro3241
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;┋Country, United States, United Kingdom, France
;My name is ┃Name┃, My country is ┃Country┃, My age is ┃Age┃, thank you!

CsScript x
ARRAY(str) r=x.Call("Formater.Format" _s)
out "B:"
out r[0]
out "C:"
out r[1]

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Formater
,static void Main(string[] args)
,,if (args.Length == 0)
,static readonly Regex reLabel = new Regex("┋([^,]*),(\\s*)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
,static readonly Regex reLabel2 = new Regex(",\\s*", RegexOptions.Compiled);
,static readonly Regex reContent = new Regex("┃([^┃]*)┃", RegexOptions.Compiled);
,static readonly Regex reDelims = new Regex("\\r?\\n", RegexOptions.Compiled);
,public static string[] Format(string input)
,,List<string> B = new List<string>();
,,List<string> C = new List<string>();
,,List<string> CLocal = new List<string>();
,,List<string> keysInContent = new List<string>();//#keys in content
,,Dictionary<string, int> dicLabelCtr = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
,,OrderedDictionary dicLabelLocal4B = new OrderedDictionary();
,,//# label
,,MatchEvaluator sbLabel = delegate (Match m)
,,,string k = m.Groups[1].Value;
,,,if (dicLabelCtr.ContainsKey(k))
,,,,int ctr = ++dicLabelCtr[k];
,,,,return string.Format("┃Y_{0}{1}┃{2}{0}{1}[]", k, ctr, m.Groups[2].Value);
,,,,dicLabelCtr[k] = 1;
,,,,return string.Format("┃Y_{0}┃{1}{0}[]", k, m.Groups[2].Value);
,,//# content
,,MatchEvaluator sbContent = delegate (Match m)
,,,string k = m.Groups[1].Value;
,,,if (dicLabelLocal4B.Contains(k))
,,,,if (dicLabelCtr.ContainsKey(k))
,,,,,return string.Format("┃Y_{0}{1}┃", k, dicLabelCtr[k] + 1);
,,,,,return string.Format("┃Y_{0}┃", k);
,,,,return string.Format("┃N_{0}┃", k);
,,int stack = 0;
,,foreach (var line in reDelims.Split(input))
,,,if (stack == 0)
,,,,if (line.StartsWith("┋"))
,,,,,stack = 1;
,,,,,//# procossing prev section
,,,,,for (int i = 0; i < CLocal.Count; i++)
,,,,,,CLocal[i] = reContent.Replace(CLocal[i], sbContent);
,,,,,foreach (var key in dicLabelLocal4B.Keys)
,,,,,,if (!keysInContent.Contains((string)key))
,,,,,,,B.Add(reLabel2.Replace(reLabel.Replace((string)dicLabelLocal4B[key], sbLabel), "[]"));
,,,,,//# next section
,,,,,Match m = reLabel.Match(line);
,,,,,if (m.Success)
,,,,,,dicLabelLocal4B[m.Groups[1].Value] = line;
,,,,,,dicLabelLocal4B[line] = line;
,,,,if (line.StartsWith("┋"))
,,,,,Match m = reLabel.Match(line);
,,,,,if (m.Success)
,,,,,,dicLabelLocal4B[m.Groups[1].Value] = line;
,,,,,,dicLabelLocal4B[line] = line;
,,,,,stack = 0;
,,//# procossing prev section
,,for (int i = 0; i < CLocal.Count; i++)
,,,CLocal[i] = reContent.Replace(CLocal[i], sbContent);
,,foreach (var key in dicLabelLocal4B.Keys)
,,,if (!keysInContent.Contains((string)key))
,,,,B.Add(reLabel2.Replace(reLabel.Replace((string)dicLabelLocal4B[key], sbLabel), "[]"));
,,//return result
,,return new string[] { string.Join(Environment.NewLine, B.ToArray()), string.Join(Environment.NewLine, C.ToArray()) };

2. Or create C# object and call its functions. Example: in CsScript.Call help click link "create object".

Macro Macro3242
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;┋Country, United States, United Kingdom, France
;My name is ┃Name┃, My country is ┃Country┃, My age is ┃Age┃, thank you!

CsScript x
IDispatch o=x.CreateObject("Formater")
str B C
o.Format(_s &bB &bC)
out "B:"
out B
out "C:"
out C

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public class Formater
,static readonly Regex reLabel = new Regex("┋([^,]*),(\\s*)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
,static readonly Regex reLabel2 = new Regex(",\\s*", RegexOptions.Compiled);
,static readonly Regex reContent = new Regex("┃([^┃]*)┃", RegexOptions.Compiled);
,static readonly Regex reDelims = new Regex("\\r?\\n", RegexOptions.Compiled);
,public void Format(string input, ref string rB, ref string rC)
,,List<string> B = new List<string>();
,,List<string> C = new List<string>();
,,List<string> CLocal = new List<string>();
,,List<string> keysInContent = new List<string>();//#keys in content
,,Dictionary<string, int> dicLabelCtr = new Dictionary<string, int>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
,,OrderedDictionary dicLabelLocal4B = new OrderedDictionary();
,,//# label
,,MatchEvaluator sbLabel = delegate (Match m)
,,,string k = m.Groups[1].Value;
,,,if (dicLabelCtr.ContainsKey(k))
,,,,int ctr = ++dicLabelCtr[k];
,,,,return string.Format("┃Y_{0}{1}┃{2}{0}{1}[]", k, ctr, m.Groups[2].Value);
,,,,dicLabelCtr[k] = 1;
,,,,return string.Format("┃Y_{0}┃{1}{0}[]", k, m.Groups[2].Value);
,,//# content
,,MatchEvaluator sbContent = delegate (Match m)
,,,string k = m.Groups[1].Value;
,,,if (dicLabelLocal4B.Contains(k))
,,,,if (dicLabelCtr.ContainsKey(k))
,,,,,return string.Format("┃Y_{0}{1}┃", k, dicLabelCtr[k] + 1);
,,,,,return string.Format("┃Y_{0}┃", k);
,,,,return string.Format("┃N_{0}┃", k);
,,int stack = 0;
,,foreach (var line in reDelims.Split(input))
,,,if (stack == 0)
,,,,if (line.StartsWith("┋"))
,,,,,stack = 1;
,,,,,//# procossing prev section
,,,,,for (int i = 0; i < CLocal.Count; i++)
,,,,,,CLocal[i] = reContent.Replace(CLocal[i], sbContent);
,,,,,foreach (var key in dicLabelLocal4B.Keys)
,,,,,,if (!keysInContent.Contains((string)key))
,,,,,,,B.Add(reLabel2.Replace(reLabel.Replace((string)dicLabelLocal4B[key], sbLabel), "[]"));
,,,,,//# next section
,,,,,Match m = reLabel.Match(line);
,,,,,if (m.Success)
,,,,,,dicLabelLocal4B[m.Groups[1].Value] = line;
,,,,,,dicLabelLocal4B[line] = line;
,,,,if (line.StartsWith("┋"))
,,,,,Match m = reLabel.Match(line);
,,,,,if (m.Success)
,,,,,,dicLabelLocal4B[m.Groups[1].Value] = line;
,,,,,,dicLabelLocal4B[line] = line;
,,,,,stack = 0;
,,//# procossing prev section
,,for (int i = 0; i < CLocal.Count; i++)
,,,CLocal[i] = reContent.Replace(CLocal[i], sbContent);
,,foreach (var key in dicLabelLocal4B.Keys)
,,,if (!keysInContent.Contains((string)key))
,,,,B.Add(reLabel2.Replace(reLabel.Replace((string)dicLabelLocal4B[key], sbLabel), "[]"));
,,//return result
,,rB=string.Join(Environment.NewLine, B.ToArray());
,,rC=string.Join(Environment.NewLine, C.ToArray());

Messages In This Thread
Execute c# functions - by Davider - 09-01-2022, 11:52 AM
RE: Execute c# functions - by Gintaras - 09-01-2022, 12:42 PM
RE: Execute c# functions - by Gintaras - 09-01-2022, 01:07 PM
RE: Execute c# functions - by Davider - 09-01-2022, 01:17 PM
RE: Execute c# functions - by Davider - 09-05-2022, 10:37 AM
RE: Execute c# functions - by Gintaras - 09-05-2022, 11:53 AM
RE: Execute c# functions - by Davider - 09-05-2022, 10:40 PM
RE: Execute c# functions - by Gintaras - 09-06-2022, 04:00 AM

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